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[not edited]

*Niall 's POV*

I stretched and accidentally hit Louis in the face. He seemed unbothered and continued to sleep but I had to pee so I got out the bed and fell directly on the floor.

Oh god my ass hurts, oh my god, I don't regret anything but I regret everything.

Louis moved around in bed a little bit before stopping. I then heard a door open downstairs. That's when I had to reach up and shake Louis.

"Someone just came in your house." I said and his eyes opened.

"What Niall." He said rubbing his eyes.

"Someone just opened the door to your house and came in and I think I here voices now." I said and I did.

His eyes went wide and he jumped out of bed and started collecting items of clothes around the room stuffing them in a bag and throwing them in his closet. He pushed all jewelry and flower crown in his drawer and any girly looking shoes under the foot of his bed.

"Why are you on the floor?" He asked.

"I can't feel my legs." I said and he laughed.

"This is gold. You need life alert." He said and I rolled my eyes laughing.

I heard feet coming up the stairs.

"Under the bed please." He whispered and I rolled far under the bed near the wall so I wouldn't be noticed.

I've had to do this with Zayn before but it was my closet. Louis has too much shit in his closet or he just didn't want me to be moving like a turtle to get there.

I felt the bed being laid on and heard the rustle of covers. His cord to his charger dropped on the floor so he grabbed his phone at least.

There was a knock at his door. "It's open." Louis said.

"Hey how are you?" I heard his dad say.

I've never met his parents before. But his dad is the nice one.

"You guys only left for a weekend, and you're about to leave for a week and a half, I'm fine. I'm responsible." He said.

"How was the sleep over?" He asked.

"Really fun in fact. I had a good time and everyone else did because I am a good host." He said.

"Mark I'm not packing your bag, so get in here. We have to leave straight out." His mom said.

"I didn't ask you to, but I'll be there in just a minute." He said.

"Go ahead, no reason for the dragon to blow fire today. And when you leave make sure you close my door because Niall's under my bed. I told him to  because mom." Louis said.

"Hi Niall." I heard Louis dad say.

"Hi Mr. Tomlinson." I said.

"Well Louis I'll call you whenever I get the chance too, I'll especially on your birthday. I love you and she does too." His dad said.

"If she did she'd tell me." Louis said and his dad sighed.

"She will," he said and stood to his feet.

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