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She casually replied: "Oh don't just call me that, I actually have a name you know. Frenda Seivelun."
"Whatever, go away, don't mess with us." Misaka said, growing impatient, she charged at her.
"You protect us from her bombs." Misaka told me.
"Got it." I was growing weary of Frenda too, her attacks just seemed to fails. Is she not an Esper? Why don't her just use her powers? Conventional weapons don't just work on everyone. She took out a detonator, but that seemed to fail too, as Misaka just zapped it, and the detonator buzzed and smoked in her hand, Frenda dropped it in frustration. Then she seemed to realize something.
"No...way. Are you Railgun?" She really started to panick.
"You just realized that?"
"Screw you Shizuri, you should've told me!" How the hell do I take on Railgun alone?" Frenda cursed at the ceiling.
"Whatever, I will just waste time until they come. It's not like I'm unable to fight." She now raged. She pressed some switch, and the metal doors shut, isolating us from the burning warehouse behind. She threw more rockets that flew at us.
"Those rockets are equipped with a GPS invented by Academy City, they can act as normal GPS's, but they can also track you down because of your AIM diffusion field!" She taunted. I wasn't panicking, I had a new idea. Academy City is ten years more advanced in terms of technology, the GPS's can't be 100 percent reliable. A single electric shock couldn't damage the mechanism, but a continuous electromagnetic field might be able to able to do the job.

A Certain Esper Power (Toaru Kagaku No Railgun FanFiction Vol. 2)Where stories live. Discover now