Chapter 1- Flight

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I was sitting on a flight to the USA when my memories started to come back from my old life.

I remember when I was just 5 years old and we moved out of the USA to Spain because of my father's new job. 

It was hard in the beginning. I missed my grandma. She always took a good care of me and gave me so much love. Every time I was with her, I felt happy and careless. 

She raised me and she was almost like my mother...well, she was more than my real mom, because my mom never gave me that much attention.

She is very busy with her job. All the time... During my childhood, adolescence, at the time of my graduation.

 In a time when I needed her... 

On the other side, grandma was there for me whenever I needed someone or something, so my time in the USA with grandma was all I could ask for.

Anyway, my life in Spain wasn't that bad either...I made some friends, like Isabel or Alex- my two best friends. I can speak Spanish now, I got to know a lot of interesting people and new places.

Also, I learned how to play the piano... 

Spain brought me new experiences and memories as well as a lot of opportunities.

One thing I haven't done yet is learning how to dance Latin. 

I was busy with graduation and parties, where I was more like "I'm not here, please just don't talk to me or I'll embarrass myself"

Isabel always said I'm too shy. 

And I guess she was right.

You know the types of people- talkative, popular, funny, friendly, shy and quiet. My two words would be shy and quiet as you probably guessed already.

When I heard that we are coming back to the USA this summer, I was sad, but also curious, like what it will be back in my home. 


Every day until my leave day I spent with my friends or going to my favorite places in Barcelona, where I lived for the past 16 years.

Now I'm 19 years old and it happened that I just graduated high school and college I'll be studying in California.

Now, sitting in my seat, listening to music, I started looking forward to my new life...

I wonder what will happen?

I hope something will, but not too much.



So this is the first chapter. This and next two or three chapters will be for introduction and after this, it gets interesting and longer I promise:)

Love you!


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