Chapter 3- Lessons

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"Hi beautiful" I heard behind my back after I entered the studio. 

I turned around to see a tall and handsome guy around my age, maybe older, with black curly hair.

"Hi," I said with a simple smile.

"My name is Max" he smiled, scanning my face with his black eyes, "...and yours?"

"I'm Elis" I smiled at him. He seems nice.

"Elis- nice to meet you," he said with a thoughtful look on his damn good face.

"So what brings you here? I've never seen you before." 

"I wanted to join the Latin classes," I said firmly and proud, that I could finally make my decision.

"Really? I dance Latin for almost 10 years. Would you like me to teach you? I mean dance with me because I'm not the instructor" He laughed slightly, showing perfectly white teeth.

"Oh, that would be great" I smiled back, my cheeks started heating up a bit.

"Where can I sign up?" I asked full of excitement.

"Go over there," he pointed to the table in the corner of the room, "just say you want to go to Latin classes"

"Thanks, see you later" I waved at him before walking away.

"Yea, bye" he smiled at me before leaving the room.


One week later when I was coming to the classes almost every day because of summer break, I learned a lot of new steps and basics of a few dances. 

My favorite dance will be probably jive. I love moves and rhythm of this dance. 

Also, we got along with Max very well. I find out something new about him every time we had Latin, which is often.

I heard, that he goes to the same university as I'll be going in 2 months after the end of the holidays. 

I'll be studying law, but Max is studying economy, so we are not going to have any classes together. 


He is very sweet and totally amazing. I'm glad I had a chance to meet him.  

Max is also the best dancer in all these classes, so I really don't know, why he wanted to dance with me, when I've never danced before. 

Like, the first lesson, I literally tripped over the floor.

You would think it's not possible, but as you can see, it is because of me.

"You are doing great Elis!" Max said with a smile after the practice ended. 

"Am I?" I asked a bit surprised, but I guess that since I didn't hurt him, he claims it as a success. I think of myself more like a not so good dancer at all, even though I love it.

"Yes," he smiled, "I've never seen somebody learn so fast. It's actually complicated and hard to learn." He said with a more serious face and then winked at me, smiling.

"Thank you..." I blushed a bit. "I think it's due to my partner, too, " I said with a shy smile. 

He is really a huge help and something like my teacher as well. He taught me so many useful things about Latin.

"I think you are talented, it's not because I'm here," he said with a genuine smile.

I laughed.

He watched me weirdly as I laughed my ass out. 

„I d-oon't think so, It's just a week since I'm going in here" I wiped a  small tear falling from my eye. That's another weird thing about me- when I laugh, my eyes naturally tear up and I can't do anything about it!

"Yes..a week and you dance almost better than some people who are learning it a year," he said with a smirk on his lips.

"Really?" I asked louder than I meant to, surprised again. It's a too strong word for me "talented".

"I mean it," he said with a proud smile.

I really like it so far... Too bad I couldn't start earlier, but if Max thinks I will do a great job in the shorter amount of time than others, I'm more than happy.


When I arrived home, I went straight to the shower.

After I changed into some comfy pj's, I went down to see mom and dad. I entered the kitchen and saw them making dinner together.

They looked happy and I was happy too, to see them like this.

So far, everything seemed to be perfect, but I have a feeling that something will happen. 

Sooner or later.


😏 What do you think about Max so far, huh?😏

Lemme know your thoughts:)

Love ya!


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