Chapter 28- Troubles

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"What?" I widened my eyes when I looked up to a couple I'd crushed into.

"Elis?" Kate said my name nervously.

"What are you two doing here?" I asked in a shock. "I mean, um... like, uh nevermind..." I scratched my neck embarrassed.

"Well, " his deep voice broke the awkward silence, "we kind of date" he shrugged his shoulders with a small smile.

I stared at both of them dumbfounded, but then I cried out of joy.

"I knew that!!!" I was so happy, that I hugged them both.

"Okay Sherlock, now let us go." Kate pushed against me to let her go. I gave them one more squeeze and let them go.

"Just be nice to her, okay Sam?" I gave him a serious look and he smiled at me.

"Of course I'll be" he smirked and took Kate by her waist, pulling her close to him.

"Awwwe you are so cute together." I gave out a cry and clapped my hands happily as a child. They both laughed at me and then we headed for lunch together.

I'm so glad they are a couple.

Kate is my best friend, she is absolutely amazing and she deserves a good guy like Sam.

He is kind, funny and I'm sure he'll make her happy. And by the way he looks at Kate it's clear he likes her a lot.

Also by the time I had the chance to get to know him, I realized that he is loyal to his friends and that he is ready to help in every situation, no matter what.

I don't know many guys like him, so good for Kate she can be with him, and not some asshole.


After we ate our lunch and were on our way to meet with John when a question suddenly popped up in my mind.

"Hey guys" I turned to Kate and Sam, who were holding hands, "Did you tell John about this?" I pointed at their entwined hands. "I mean, you are his sister" I looked at Kate, "and you are his best friend, right?" I turned to Sam.

They looked at each other for a second and then back to me.

"Not yet... it's new. Like a few days and he was busy with you anyway, so..." Sam smirked and was interrupted by a new voice from behind.

"Who was busy with who?" John asked suddenly with a smirk plastered on lips.

"Um, hi bro" Sam turned to him a bit frightened.

To lighten the mood I went by John's side and gave him a quick peck on lips before I spoke.

"Um, they want to tell you something" I smiled, still excited by their new relationship.

John looked at me with raised brows and then at Kate and John, who were a bit surprised by what I said.

"Okay, what is it?" he asked with a smile.

"Well," Sam glanced at Kate who nodded and then back at John, "we date," he said simply and waited for John's response.

I saw his jaw tense and I froze.

He stood there not saying a word until I gently poked him with my elbow.

John came to senses and took a step towards Sam. I was tense.

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