Chapter 30-She's Not Beautiful

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Day by day, few weeks passed and now we have a lot of studying ahead of us. The not so favorite part of the semester started: examination period.

As usual, I woke up when the sunbeams tickled my face.

I stretched a bit and went to my bathroom to take a shower.

Water drops covered my body and I felt relieved as if all stress from my exams was gone.

I did two exams already and passed them, but unfortunately, there are more exams.

After I turned off the shower, I got ready and headed for some breakfast, when my phone buzzed.


Hey sunshine, open the door.

Huh? Why would he want me to do that?

I went to open the door and right when I opened them, a large bouquet of red roses peeked out at me from the ground.

There was a small paper tucked in it. I gently grabbed it and opened that little card.

There were four words written in italics.

For my study date.

Aw, he is so sweet to me. I don't even think I deserve this.

It's actually kind of ironic.

When I first met him, I thought he is a cocky jerk who just use girls. I thought that he was arrogant, egoistic and just kind of "bad". The way he glared at me when I knocked him down on the beach, it was like he wanted to murder me as if he considered me a little fly on his windscreen.

I'd never even dreamed of him being my best friend and my boyfriend.

But boy, it was the best thing that ever happened to me from the beginning of my life.

Now, when I know him a LOT better, I can't believe just how horrible things I could think about him.

He is the most loving, caring and the most amazing person I've ever met.

The way he looks so genuine when he looks into my eyes, just the way he is gazing at me-- that is the best feeling anyone can give me. He doesn't have to say anything, one touch from him is enough to let me know that I'm not alone in this world and that I actually matter to someone.

Also one of the many many things I love about him is his incalculability.

You never know what he'll do in the next seconds.

It can be really anything- kiss, hug or flour on your head. (Believe me, he can do anything and my hair were proof of that when we were cooking the last time, he tried to do pancakes in my hair... very logical don't you think?)

But it isn't just the flour. It's every little action you wouldn't even notice with anyone else than that one person you love the most.

"Oh my god that's beautiful!" mom's voice pulled me out of my thoughts when she sneaked behind me out of nowhere.

"Good morning mom" I smiled at her, still full of joy and feelings for John.

"Girl you're so lucky" mum smirked and gave me a devilish look.

"Okay, I know, but now I'm leaving cause I know this look and I don't want to talk with you about my relationship." I widened my eyes scared.

Last time we "talked" about John, mum wanted to know practically every detail of John's mouth. In other words how good kisser is he.

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