Chapter 18- Ocean

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Elis's POV

„Hey John" I called out for him from behind his back. He jumped up surprised, but his left feet stepped into the air and he fell into the water. I couldn't help, but burst out of laugh. 

He climbed back to the pier all wet. His shirt was tightly stuck on his muscular chest, while his wet hair were falling into his face. He ran his hand through messy hair. And took step towards me.

„Why do you still follow me?" he asked pissed when he was closer to me. I crossed my arms, not laughing anymore.

„I know the truth." I said firmly.

„What do you mean?  What truth? I don't know what are you talking about." He gripped his eyes and looked away for a second.

„I know about that video and Melissa." I explained, his eyebrows raised in surprise.

„How do you know about that?" he asked with wide eyes while his hands fell down.

„Jane told me, when she heard Melissa talking about that."I said with weak smile. „Why didn't you tell me? I thought we were friends?" I asked with sadness and regret.

„I wanted to be your friend, but after I treated you so bad and hurt you, I think you deserve better friends. Like Max" he said upset pointing out Max's name like he was jealous. I was surprised by his reaction. I thought he will be like always... confident, purposeful... but instead he gave up.

„I know you didn't behave completely right, but I understand why you did so and... at the one side I'm glad you did. You saved me from another unpleasant affair I experienced once before. You did that for me and that's what is important to me." I said with soft voice.

„I...I'm sorry." He chocked out. „Sorry for everything I've done to you, but it's better if I go so I can't do anything else what could hurt you again.." He said and went straight away. I stepped in front of him, stopping him by my hand against his wet chest.

I smell his scent, it is a long time since we were so close to each other. His gaze was full of worries and guilt.

„I wish we could start again." I said in weak voice. „I don't want to think about my  boring life when you aren't in it. Somehow... when I'm around you this is happier place to live in." I said with quiet voice, looking straight into his eyes and gave him a small smile.

John's POV

She is killing me. She has no idea about effect she has on me. Even this closeness is enough to me to loose my mind. Her skin burning breath, her familiar flower smell and bright eyes..

I processed what she just told me and slowly answered.

„I need you in my life too." I said and stepped closer to her. „I don't want to hurt or lose you again."

„You won't" she smiled. Our faces were inches apart, I wanted to kiss her, but before I could, she hugged me, tightly. Surprisingly, it was satisfying for now. I wrapped my hands around her and enjoyed the hug. She leaned back and smiled.

„But I'm still mad at you a little, you know?" her face turned immediately serious.

„Come with me" I grinned at her and lead her into my car. She smiled.

After a ride, I killed the engine in front of my house.

„Wait here a minute." I smiled and run to my house. I changed my wet clothes and packed some food, I made before, into a picnic basket. On my way to the door I grabbed one blanket and quietly went out of the house. I put the basket in a trunk and started the engine.

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