Chapter 21- Potato and dress

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It was Saturday morning. After I stretched a bit, I took a shower and went to the kitchen.

„Good morning honey!" mom greeted me as I entered the kitchen.

„Good morning, mom" I said happily with a big smile.

„Someone is in a good mood." She raised her eyebrows with eyes full of curiousity.

„Yes I am." I smiled, my mind racing back to my date with John yesterday.

„Did you enjoy it last night?" mom asked, while she prepared something for breakfast not looking at me.

„Yes I did." I said not wanting to go into details.

„Was John nice to you?" she asked curiously still looking at the food she was preparing. Even when I didn't see her face, I was sure she was still smiling.

„Yes mom, he was." I said with a frown, turning my back and preparing for escape.

„That's good! What did you do after the film? Did you two kissed?" mom continued in questioning.

„Mom! Stop it!" I warned her with crossed arms.

„ he kissed you!" mom said with excitement in her voice.

„Oh my God.." I muttered as I left the kitchen. 

,,He kissed you!!" mom yelled at me from kitchen.

I love my mom, but I really don't like those interrogations.

I went upstairs and sent a quick message to Kate.


Hi Kate! Would you go with me to the mall?


Of course. Is that even a question?

I could imagine as she laughed at my question.


Sorry:D Meet me in 10?



I put my phone down and dressed up in some jeans and shirt. After 10 minutes I was ready and headed out of house.

I waited and a while later, Kate walked out of their gorgeous house.

„Hey Elis!" she giggled.

„Hi Kate!" I greeted her. „Can we go?"I asked with smile.

„Of course. I need new a dresses for that ball!" she said dramatically as if new dresses are the most important thing in this world.. 

,, You need to help me." She looked at me sadly and I giggled.

„Okay, but you always look awesome in everything." I smirked and I really mean it, because she always does. She could go in a sack from potatoes and she would still look gorgeous.

  „You are too sweet. You know it isn't true." She hugged me and we headed to the mall.  

It's a gift I guess, because for me, whenever I want to look good, I look like a smudged potato with bird's nest instead of hair... Also even though I did want to be one of those girls who can eat eight pizzas and still look lean and slim, I'm not... As a teenager I've been reading a lot of romance and teen fiction books, where the heroine was eating whatever she wanted and she still looked sexy, so the hottest boy noticed her and fell in love with her and blah blah blah.

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