Adopti-Oh My God

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(No heels, Flats)

Lexie finished my hair, it was in a rose bun with little strands out to frame my face.

"You look beautiful," She says and I turn around.

"I can't believe this is happening, 10 years of being sent around and now I finally have a home," I muse.

"I know,"

"I've lived in this city my entire life and never been on a ferry! I've never done anything that tourists do. Now I can," I say, about to cry tears of joy.

"Don't cry, you'll ruin your makeup," She says wiping my tear. I smile.

"Now, go get adopted!"

"Thanks Aunt Lexie!" I run down to see my parents.


We drive up to the courthouse in mostly silence, the rain pounding against the windows. My thoughts seem to drown out all other things. This is it. The day I become a daughter. Amity Grey-Shepherd, I love the sound of that. I love how it sounds like home. I'm no longer weird little orphan girl, I'm weird little surgeon girl. But I like that better. I feel the car stop, once I pay attention I realize we're parking.

I step out with my clear umbrella. And run inside with my parents. After going through security we stand outside the courtroom. They take my hands.

"Ready?" Mom asks.

"Since the moment I met you guys," I say with total seriousness. Dad just has a huge smile and we walk in. I look up, a man (Andrew J West) who I could almost recognise but swear I've never seen before stands up.

"Are you Amity Wills?," The judge asks.

"Y-Yes sir," I say nervously looking at the man who is looking at mom, dad and I.

"This is your biological father, Drew Wills,"

"That-that's not possible, Drew Wills is dead," I say not able to believe that the man in front of me is related to me. Though It's hard to deny, The hair, the eyes, the only real difference was the nose.


"You're not him," I say hysterically, interrupting him. I look back at my mom and dad, they seemed heart broken.

"Mr. Wills, in order to let Mr. and Mrs. Shepherd adopt Amity, you must sign the papers I handed to you earlier," The judge says as if he didn't just shake my world upside down.

"I-I can't," tears fell down my face.

"In that case, the custody battle of Amity Wills, will take place in exactly 8 days on November 3rd. And in order for a fair trial I order for her to stay with Mr. Wills for a minimum of 48 hours this week," He smacks his gavel down on the wood. I begin to cry.

"You should be with your dad Amity, I'm your dad," He says to me.

"Derek Shepherd is my father, you're just some man I share some DNA and a last name with," I cry with the words leaking off my tongue with poison.

"Get away from our daughter," Dad says with an anger I've never seen before. It wasn't yelling but his eyes and voice were telling the story of how many different ways he could kill him and get away with it. The judge gives us his number and ours to him so we could do the mandatory 48 hours. I just sit on a bench sobbing.

It all happened so fast. In all honesty it's probably been an hour do to me zoning in and out. I feel like I could shatter, hell, I feel like I already have. He's a monster! He can't just expect that it'll all be sunshine and daisies! I was supposed to be adopted today! It was supposed to be the happiest day of my life, and now it's one of the worst.

"Come on honey let's go," Dad whispered calmingly. I just nodded, still sobbing. I just couldn't stop.

In the car I continue to cry until we're about 5 minutes away from the house. My eyes still puffy and red. Mom and Dad kept saying it would all work out, that I'd be theirs. No worries. But, that isn't exactly the way my life goes. When I get a good thing life triples the effect in bad things. Honestly I think that they might have been trying to convince themselves.

Mom puts her hand on my upper back, as if to comfort me. It's doing very little good, if anything it's just lowering my hopes. The rain pounded against the ground as if it were Alex wanting to punch Jackson's face a few weeks ago. As Dad opened the door thunder and lightning crashed against the sky.

"SURPRISE!" I heard. The room and steps filled with everyone from the hospital. Lexie being at the front and a big banner saying 'Welcome To The Family Amity Grey Shepherd!' . After 2 seconds emotion swept back through me and I began to cry again. I ran upstairs to my room. Pushing Owen, Cristina, Callie and Richard to the side.


"What's up with her?" Lexie asked.

"It didn't happen," Derek said.

"Wha- What do you mean, it didn't happen?"

"Her biological father's alive. He want's her back," He said, feeling as if he might break down himself. The room became silenced.

"We go to court on the 3rd," Meredith said. A few people shed a couple tears themselves. She had changed their lives so much in the last few months, what would it be like without her? It was hard to think about.

Jackson, Miranda, Richard, Arizona, Callie, Mark, Lexie, Alex, Cristina and Owen sat in the living room accompanying Meredith and Derek , in an almost silence. The noise of the sobbing girl and the noise of the fearless storm occupying the room.

"We'll go to the stand for you," Arizona said.

"We're gonna keep her here, she loves you guys. We need the little overachieving mini-surgeon in our lives," Cristina said. They all continued to support the couple and their daughter. As they continued to plan for the trial, the girl upstairs packed a few outfits in preparation for her stay with this man who hadn't even existed in her life before this point. But maybe just maybe, they'd make it through. Not without any scars or bruises, but they could make it.

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