Chapters 51-55

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Lance and the Red Gyarados

The gang were now getting close to Mahogany Town. "I can't wait to battle the gym in Mahogany Town" said Ash. "I can't wait for an earned rest in Mahogany Town" said Misty. Only thing was they were a little bit lost. Suddenly Pikachu, Growlithe and Togepi started to faint. "What's wrong?" asked Misty. She checked Togepi all over. "Togepi does look sick, but she doesn't feel sick; no fever or anything". Just then Brock saw some wild grass and bug pokemon and they all looked sick. "There's something weird going on around here," said Brock "and I don't like it". Ash, Tomo and Misty didn't like it either.

Suddenly a roaring noise was heard not far from where the gang was standing. "What was that?" asked Tomo. "That sounded like a Gyarados," said Ash "and a very angry one too". "We better see what's going on," said Brock "there might be trouble about". The gang came to a huge lake, and then suddenly a red Gyarados burst out of the lake. The gang got scared by that. "That Gyarados is shiny" said Ash. Gyarados began swaying about in the lake. "I think that Gyarados is sick too" said Brock. "Your right Brock," said Ash "and it seems to be in terrible pain too. We should go and get some help".

The gang were about to leave, but then three men came up to them. "You kids aren't going anywhere," said one of the men, who seemed to be the leader, "especially you have seen the red Gyarados". "You are Team Rocket!" shouted Ash, noticing the R sign on the men's vests. "Since you kids also know who we are," said the man "it's all more the reason to not let you kids go". The man sent out a Fearow to battle gang. Ash sent out Flaffy to battle Fearow, as Pikachu was unfit to battle. But as soon as Flaffy came out of her pokeball, she started to feel sick too. This gave the man a chance to attack the gang with Fearow.

But then, at that moment the Fearow was struck by a thunder wave attack. A man, with red hair, was riding a Dragonite. "You kids get away from here" said the man. The gang did as they were told and started to run away into the forest. The Team Rocket agents didn't want the kids to get away, but the man had his Dragonite distract the agents with whirlwind, which blew the agents off their feet. Then the man left with Dragonite to where the gang was.

At that time, the gang had now stopped running, and then the man and his Dragonite showed up. Ash realised that the man was actually Lance of the elite four and introduced himself. Tomo, Misty and Brock introduced themselves too. At that moment, Pikachu, Growlithe and Togepi stopped feeling sick, which made Ash, Tomo and Misty relieved. "What are you kids doing here in the forest?" asked Lance. Ash explained that they were on their way to Mahogany Town, but they got lost and they heard the red Gyarados in the lake. "That red Gyarados is the reason why I'm here" said Lance. "The truth is I'm a member of the organization called the Pokemon G-men". "I've heard of that organization," said Ash "the members patrol around the whole pokemon world, arresting those who abuse pokemon and arrest those who capture pokemon to use in evil ways. As the matter of fact, I'm actually glad that a member of that organization is here. I mean I don't know if you already know this, but Team Rocket have been making moves here in Johto lately". "I do know Ash and that's why I'm here," said Lance "there have been reports that Team Rocket has been doing some experiment here at Lake of Rage". "What kind of experiments?" asked Ash. "I don't know, but it has something to do with that red Gyarados" said Lance. "Is there anything we can do to help?" asked Brock. "No you kids continue on to Mahogany Town," said Lance, giving the kids directions "because of Team Rocket, this forest has become too dangerous for you to be here. You leave this to me". The gang just continued to Mahogany Town, so not to disobey Lance's words.

Deep in the forest, near Lake Rage, was one of Team Rocket's bases. It looked like a warehouse. The Team Rocket grunt from earlier, whose name was Tyson, was talking to a scientist. This scientists name was Dr Sebastian and he was another scientist who worked for Team Rocket. Dr Sebastian was more calm and clever than Dr Namba, and he loved creating experiments that would make pokemon stronger and would trap them. "This experiment is still incomplete," said Dr Sebastian "the red Gyarados was the only pokemon that evolved from its previous form. That's why we need to catch it and examine it. Once the data is complete, the radio waves will be able to make all pokemon evolve without fail". "With that, we will have a very strong pokemon army for Team Rocket" said Tyson. "Unfortunately we don't have the equipment to capture the red Gyarados, while it's on the lake floor" said Dr Sebastian. "So that means we need to lure it to the surface, and then catch it" said Tyson.

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