Do I Like You?

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🌸Oh Sehun's POV🌸

I was driving home when I saw someone's familiar figure walking, Eun Hye! I drove closer, she looks scared as she walked faster. So I went in front of her and removed my helmet. Her face tho. How cute, did I just think she's cute?!?!

I offered her a ride, she looked like she was struggling and she agreed. Something, urged me to bring her to to my special place, why?? I don't know. I've never brought anyone there before, it's a very sacred place to me. There's this weird feeling I get when I talk to her, my heart begins to beat faster, sometimes I show the true me even without knowing it.

I brought her to the abandoned park, no one comes to this park. It was already dark out, the stars shone bright in the sky. " Why did you bring me here?? " she asked. " I don't know either " I replied. We sat on the swings and slowly rocked back and forth. I looked at her " Eun Hye.... Do I like you? " I asked her confused with my own feelings. I saw her blush, out of words.

I heard my own heart skip a beat. There was a long moment of awkwardness. This silence is killing me, so I decided to break the silence.
" I-like you " I said answering my own question. She stared at me blank.
" Why? Why do you like me? A person like you can't possibly like me. " She said looking at the ground.

" I like you because I simply like you... there's no reason to explain it. I just get this weird feeling inside me when I'm around you. " I replied.

" You don't know me, don't love me... I'll just be a burden to you. You'll find me annoying soon. If you found out, you'll just be disgusted " She said close to tears, she really meant it.

" No, whatever it is I'll accept it....if it's anything to do about your past, I'll learn to accept whatever it is because it's a part of you. I won't ever feel that way, everything about you I love. Your eyes, nose, and your smile I will never get tired looking at. " I said

" But...I'll have to go soon, back to Seoul after 3 more weeks. I can't get into a relationship knowing it
will end soon. Lets just be friends " She said faking a smile as she reached out her hand to make a deal.

I felt so disappointed, but I pulled myself together and shook her hand. I finally liked someone for the first time and my first love was about to end just like this. I wanted to share as much things about me to her before she leaves. I took this chance to.

" This park, did you know my grandpa had it built before he died? This place is actually really special to me and your the first person that I've brought here. "

" Really? I'm so sorry to hear that. Thanks for bringing me here, it makes me feel a sense of comfort. My dad is also in heaven, he was the best dad anyone could've had, he was the only one there for me at times when I needed comfort and support. Can we go home now?? " she asked.

" oh... umm okay. " I replied

She held on to my waist and after a few minutes, I felt a wet patch on my back....." Are you crying?? Are you okay?? " I asked worried, still focused on the road. " I'm okay * sniffs * I just remembered my memories with my father " she replied.

🌸 Kim Eun Hye's POV 🌸

Sehun dropped me off at the front of my house. " Thanks for the ride... um I'm gonna go now?? " I was embarrassed, the wet patch of tears were still on his back, I walked toward my house as fast as I could. " I think your forgetting something " he smiled.
" hum?? " I turned my head back at his direction " You forgot to return the helmet " he pointed to the helmet I was wearing, dang! Ooops! " Here you go " I handed him the helmet and fix my hair while I was at it. " Bye " I waved at him.

When I got home. I carefully opened the door, so granny wouldn't wake up. If she finds out I came home this late, I'm as good as dead meat. I turned on the light switch slowly.........


" Where have you been?? Why are you only coming home know? Huh " She said in a serious tone with her arms crossed.

" Wait, let me explain!! So You know I was about to go home, when I realized I didn't have my bus pass, so I had to walk home! Look my shoes are all worn out! Who knew the school was so far away from school?? Well, now I know. I'm sorry granny " I explained, taking out the part where Sehun brought me to this park and so on and so fort. I only took out some info okay? If my grandma finds out I was with a man at this time of the day, then who knows what she might do to me??

Now don't get me wrong, my grandma is really nice but when she gets mad. Damn, you better apologize. " Are you sure you weren't with some man?? " she asked suspicious. How the hell did she find out?!?! " No. " I lied. " You better not be lying. Go to your room and think about your behavior " she said. This all because I forgot my bus pass, whatever. I went to my room.

I took a long relaxing bath and went to bed. I was wrong about Sehun. He's not a jerk, he actually understood me. He's the first person I have shared my personal feelings with. But when he confessed, I felt this wierd feeling, my heart was beating fast. I'm confused with own feelings. What should I do?
I don't want to be thinking about this right now, it's been a long day. I just want to sleep, I closed my eyes. As I dozed off.

I had a dream about Sehun and Kai??


Sehun and Eun Hye is starting to get closer. They eventually opened up to each other. Is there going to be something between these two?What do you think her dream of Kai and Sehun was all about??

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