Don't Fall For It

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🌸Kim Eun Hye's POV🌸

Here I stand at entrance of the big SM building. The fan girls waiting at the entrance of the building held signs of their bias's name on it. I called Kai because I knew there would be no way I could go in. The security was tight like he said. After a few rings, he picked up....

" Hello " he answers

" Umm, Kai Im in front of Sm right now, can you come and get me?? " I said sheepishly.

" I'll be there wait 1 minute "

After a few seconds, he appears and the girls start to scream. He signals that I go in quickly as he opens the door and grabs my arm into the building.

" None of the Exo members are in the studio, so feel free to do anything "

" So were gonna be by ourselves?? " I asked worried.

" Don't worry, I'm not that kind of guy " he assures, yeah right not that kind of guy my ass, I think to myself.

We head to the studio and I remember myself dancing not to long ago, I did dance and taekwondo to lose weight but I loved doing it and it became a hobby. There was a big mirror that covered the whole wall and it was just a large space to dance. Kai plays some nice music with a nice beat, was it their new song overdose??

The lyrics went......

Oh! She wants me

Oh! She's got me

Oh! She hurts me

I was wearing my black dance sweatpants and a white shirt and he wore a somewhat similar outfit making us look like a couple, nah.

" Let's have a dance battle " he said " Is that a challenge?? " I ask and smile.

I may just have started dancing not to long a go but my dance teacher said I was born with a dance talent I never knew I even had. I also won first place awards when I entered dance competitions while I was still at my grandma's house.

🌸Kim Jongin's POV🌸

We start the dance battle with a warm up and as it progressed it became intense. When she started I was like Damn! She was really good. After 1 hour of dancing, none of us was still ready to give up though my body felt heavy.

" Please give up " she said breathing heavily. So, I did the only thing I could think of, so that we would both lose. I hugged her and we both fell on the ground panting.

I fall on top of her and our lips make contact with her soft lips, she quickly moves away and 1 minute of awkward silence comes in. She had a rosy blush on her cheeks and I could feel my heart beat increase its speed as my body temperature begin to rise.

🌸Kim Eun Hye's POV🌸

What just happened? And why is my heart beating so fast?? No, Eun Hye don't fall for it. It was so awkward, so I turned our attention to something else. " Hey, your pretty good at dancing " I said pretending the kissing part didn't even happen.

" Yeah, I learned some ballet too " he replies. " Really?? Show me " I demanded.

He picks up his heavy body and switched the music to a classical one. Awee, Kai seems like a girl dancing. A smile spread across my face. Why am I smiling like an idiot? I can't like him, I tried my hardest to convince myself.


Did you guys hear about what happened to Kris?? I'm so sad. I hope everything gets settled and Kris returns to Exo. Anyways, just comment and vote if you liked this chapter.

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