Happily Ever After

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So..here goes the last chapter :) I'm so so so sorry, if I kept you guys waiting. I truly thank you for all the votes and comments and for ur support.

I dedicate this chapter to exoticyang

She has been a very big support, commenting and voting on every chapter and for being my very first reader, thank you.


🌸 Kim Eun Hye's POV🌸

I was practicing my cat walk down the stage when the CEO called. He said it was for an important matter. I took the elevator to the highest floor. When I got there, I was surprised to see Kai. What's going on?

" Sit down " the CEO said " So, I called you both to clarify this incident" he threw the newspaper on the table quiet calm. The title read

" Exo Kai Reported To Be Dating Rookie Model " It was me and Kai holding hands.... " Sh*t " I cursed under my breath. We were caught and there was no way of getting out of this one.

" Are you guys dating ? " the CEO said with a firm face not pleased with the situation. " Yes " we both said admitting it. The CEO nodded " I will allow you guys to date, but if the audience doesn't have a good reaction to this, you guys will have to break or quit " he said scratching his chin.

~ The Next Day ~

I looked at the Internet intensely... But happy with the result. Most people liked us together, and some not really. One comment said, he looked so happy in the picture that all that mattered was his happiness. People even came up with our couple name, Jonghye, I smiled. After I saw this comment, I was relief and fell asleep.

🌸Kim Jongin's POV🌸

I didn't care, wether I had to quit for having this relationship. I found the girl that melted my frozen heart and made me feel the emotion of love. She cared for me, when I wasn't looking to well and would constantly ask if I was okay. She was the most precious thing that came into my life.

Though, I didn't want to give up dancing. I would never exchange Eun Hye for anything. I looked at the white ceiling. I slept, still dreaming of Eun Hye's beautiful smiling face.

~ 3 Years Later ~

We were doing a photo shoot for hiking jackets. By we, I mean Eun Hye and I. The scandal worked out and Eun Hue and I are the #1 cutest couple in Korea. Eun Hye is a professional model and Exo is one of the biggest boy groups on Korea right now!! I have been planning on how to propose to her for these past few months now.

🌸Kim Eun Hye's POV🌸

I woke up with a smile plastered on my face. I don't know why but I feel so happy to day. I opened the blinds and is blinded with the sunlight. I walked to the bathroom and started my morning routine. Today, Kai wanted me to attend Exo's concert. So, I went and headed to the concert's location.

I walk up the stage and is greeted with a back hug, I was flustered.

" Hey, babe " Kai said kissing my cheek. " Hey" I replied casually.

" The concert is starting soon, I reserved you a front row seat, you better head there now " he said

" Why, you don't want to talk to me? " I said faking hurt.

" No, I just want you to get there before the fans get here, you know how crazy it get... you might get hurt. Come on I'll walk you there " he said holding my hand leading me to my seat. The fan girls start screaming and almost squished me but good thing my body guards were there.

As the concert was almost halfway done, a soft love song played and Kai appeared with roses in his hand. He kneeled in front of me... I was out of words. Is he proposing to me?!? " Eun Hye, will you marry me? " he said in his melting honey voice as he opened a ring box.

The crowd cheered telling me to say yes. I looked straight through his eyes and smiled. " Yes! " I screamed as Kai put the ring on me and spun me around. " I love you " I whispered in his ears and kissed his lips. Th crowd cheered even louder... almost breaking my eardrums.

" I love you, too " he said sexily with his signature smirk.

The End.

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