Chapter three

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Shiro POV

I saw pidge scowl and walk out of the room. The next thing I saw was her outside on her own with her laptop. She sat down and typed really fast on her computer. It looked like she was hacking. Boy was I right. The ship landed and stopped. In front of the smallest teammate we're galea. The horrible monsters who had taken her family to work for them. I hadn't told her Matt was a commander and Sam was Zarkons second mate.

Pidge POV
When I saw Matt with a gun run out of the ship I was happy. Until he shot at me then I was heart broken.
"Matt?" He looked at me with wide eyes he must have remembered.
"Katie!" He ran to me and I got a bone crushing hug. He was taller and his hair was an inch longer. The galra troops looked at us confused.
"Commander Holt, sir. Who is this girl." Matt was about to say something when my team ran out with armour on.
"A paladin of Voltron." The woman from earlier and Shiro shouted in sync. Everyone stopped when they saw me hugging a boy no older than I was (16), who was wearing galra armour.
"This is K..." I inturupted him and whispered in his ear.
"Pidge my sibling." He finished. The galra looked pleased.
"A fine specimen sir." One galra shouted. One of them ran toward me and picked me up.
"Pidge, father has been looking for you when he got the earth news you had gone missing." A tear ran down my face. I was smiling happily.
"Pidge get here this instant!" Shiro commanded. Matt looked at him.
"You don't control her Shiro!" Matt protected. The galra put me down and I looked at the group. I had to make a decision. Team or family. It sounds obvious but it was hard as I had a space family and a birth family.
"Matthew Holt! Get here this instan..." Samuel Holt shouted before looking at me.
"Katie?" I looked embarrassed. The team of Voltron knew my first secret.
"Katie! Why would you hide your gender from us!" Kieth shouted.
"Dad!" I ran to him and he ran to me, I ignored Kieth and was held in my fathers light hug.
"Katie get here now!" Shiro shouted again.
"Shiro? Well I'll be darned. But stop bossing my kid around. He shouted.
"Come Katie I think my friend would like to see my daughter all grown up." Samuel led me to the ship, I still had my laptop with me. Matt and the troops walked in following.

Keith's POV

"She just left us for the galra!" I shouted at Shiro who looked calm.
"Her family is why Keith!" Alura protested, she knew how she felt if she could get her father back she would. I looked at her and the team annoyed.
"Well I'm gonna follow her in case." I finally jumped on the ship. I had deep feelings for pidge and would hate if anything happened too her. I had never told anyone at all. The ship set off. The guards saw me and told me to get down.
"Were waiting. We know your here so pidge doesn't get in trouble." They shouted at him. He got inside and was showed to were pidge was. They knocked. I heard a go away from a boy that wasn't her brother.
"We are talking in here!" I saw a pillow being thrown at a guard.
"Pidge. You have a guest on the ship to look after you if need be." The guard opened the door and I saw Pidge talking to a galra.
"Fine." The galra rolled his eyes and allowed him in.
"I'm Lotor," he held out his hand for Me to shake.
"I'm Kieth." I replied and finally built up the courage to shake his hand. I saw pidge smiling. Then her brother and father entered the room...

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