Chapter 10

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The Aliens looked at me. One whispers into another's ear. I couldn't hear them. I looked down at my dress. Whoops, the rest of the universe and galaxies didn't know I was a woman. I looked at them and waved nervously. They looked at me again.
"Pidge?" I heard my cousins ask. I turned to see my cousins, they had traveled with Matt and dad and Shiro on the mission. Emily had her stort brown hair up, only just managing to put it into a bobble. Lewis stood there leaning on a wall, his blue eyes twinkling as his brown hair looked like Keith's. I giggled. Then I looked at the oldest cousin of mine. He was very tall. Jace. He had a scar, like Shiros but across one of his eyes. He had a galra arm and leg. He looked like the leader. My pointed ears dropped.
"Jac-jace, Emily, Lew-lewis?" I asked in disbelief. Jace smiled at me. He used his galran arm to pick me up effortlessly.
"Altean princess." A tear crept from the edge of my eyes streaming down my face the tear dropped onto my skin, my arm in fact. I rugged my eye with my arm. I felt crap. I didn't say anything though.
"No that's not Altean princess." Emily protested,
"It can't be the Altean or we'd 'ave known." Lewis looked at her then at Jace and finally at me.
"Leave my family alone! Leave Coleen my mother alone. My father Samuel alone and finally don't you even consider touching or harming my big brother, by five minutes Matthew Holt!" They looked at me squirm. The other aliens looked in delight at me squirming. BANG! The engines had been shot at. They looked at me as the door opened.
"Matt get Katie. Sam we're gonna hack. Oh and the rest of you other than Keith come with me. Keith go help Matt please." Shiro commanded. Keith ran into the room.
"And then there were three." Had tapped his foot and another tear streamed down my face. Red blotches formed on my cheeks. I looked down at the floor. Even when the door had opened. Jace picked me up bridal style instead of by the wrists. He had a parachute on his back.
"Bad idea Jace." He looked down at me and smiled.
"I don't care Katie." So he did remember me. I hate him right now. I saw my skin get paler again. My tears were gone. I saw Matt and anger built up inside me. Jace dropped me like a hot potato.
"Hot! Ow I think I burnt my hands." Everyone looked at him and his scolded hands.
"Matt! Keith!" I shouted and ran toward them. Everyone stayed quiet.
"Glad your okay green paladin." Matt joked a little. Our cousins looked at us in shock.
"Wait your the paladins of voltron?" They asked in sync. I giggled at their question.
"I'm green. This is red, Keith and Matt he's my family and a green assistant he is my equivalent half. My valedictorian." He laughed as I came out with randomness. The ship crashed. We all jumped out.
"Glad you're okay." Shiro said running into the room. I smiled at him and laughed.
"When at I not?" I joked with them as they laughed at me.
"Good point now lets go." We jumped out of the ship and onto the earthy ground. It was so soft the dew dripping off of the tips of grass. Flowers poking out of patches in the grass. Every alien followed is even our cousins. It felt strange all my blood relatives except my grandparents that were still alive with me. It was almost like a dream. A great dream come true...

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