Chapter 16

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I was pulled from the embrace by the maid. "Chief!" The woman panted. Gun shots could be heard. I sprinted toward the gunshots. I had my night dress on still. They weren't galran. "Holt!" Nobody stopped. They unleashed a group of them on me. Finally a challenge! They approached me. So I did the low kick then the high kick. Half of the guards already taken out. I did a different attack. I took a few steps back and ran. Running in the wall then jumping off and kneeing all but one guard to the floor winded. The last one stood. "Chief. Didn't you try to make peace first!" One citizen asked. They were being held by the neck. The last guard toppled into the last. The citizen was let go. Why wasn't there a challenge anymore? "Did you try and make peace first like asked!" The woman scolded. "They threatened our culture. They held you by the neck. I couldn't just mark peace without teaching them a lesson!" I yelled. The anger erupting on my cheeks. The citizen looked down at her toes in an apologetic like pose. I place a firm hand on her shoulder. "I'm sorry. I shouldn't have been that hard. I'm just angry they held you by the neck and threatened our culture." The citizen nodded. "You have," a knocked down guard started before coughing,"quite a kick missy." I look over to him and smile lightly. "Gonna tell me why you attacked?" I asked politely. He looked at me. "Well could you go change. We'll wait in a cell. Promise." I laughed. "Guard." A guard came into the room. "Could you take them to a guest room, without a balcony please." He nodded and I whispered in his ear. "Please guard them so they don't escape yet. I need to know why they attacked." The guard nodded and took them by their arms. I walked up the stairs. Into my room. Keith and Shiro in the corner. Lance and Hunk in the other. Coran was still talking to the princess. I hadn't noticed them. I walked up to my closet. "Shorts or skirt?" I asked myself aloud. I picked shorts. Skirts weren't my things. I only wore dresses because of formal events. I grabbed knee high dark blue shorts. I walked behind my wooden wall thingy. It stopped people from seeing me when I changed in case someone burst in. I stripped off my dress. I felt really cold now. Then I slipped on the shorts. I had a plain green shirt slung over the wooden wall thingy. I jumped and grabbed it. I placed it over my head and it immediately fell over my small scrawny body. I strolled back to my bed. Six things lay on it. A hair brush. Foundation. Mascara. Hair clip. Eye liner. And a bobble. I brushed my hair until it was soft and silky. Then placed it in a sideways bobble. I added the hair clip; finally I applied the makeup. Foundation, Mascara, Eyeliner. I was finally ready. "Guys? You were in here the whole time!" I finally saw them. They all laughed. Weirdos. I walked out of my bedroom and strolled down the hall. The door was being guarded. I placed a hand on my chest. Bayard wrapped around my ankle, the doors opened. All of them were sat talking. It all went silent and the doors shut. "Hi." I waved at them. "Hello." The leader said in a grim raspy voice. "Okay so could you explain now please." The guard from earlier nodded. "Well you see new chief. We are at war with your planet." I felt heart broken. "We killed the last chief, last owner of the green lion." Someone cut into the conversation. "And you're next!" The leader punched. I quickly stepped to the right making him land head first on the floor. "Remember I have had more practise than all of you." They all looked in disbelief. "And how is that?" The leader asked cockily. "Katelyn Holt. Also know as Pidge gunderson. Paladin of Voltron. Tamer of green lions." I bowed. They all gasped. "A scrawny little girl like you?" Finally the leader burst out laughing. All but five joined. "I believe her." Everyone stopped. "Wait lets make a deal. You up for it." I asked the leader. He nodded grinning. "We make a truce. That's my side. You get to leave here unharmed and get to visit whenever you want. That's your side anything you'd like to add?" I ask. He looked at me. "Well we become the leader." That was going to far. "No deal then." He stopped gunning and looked worried. "No please never mind. We'll make the truce. We come here freely. We won't hurt anyone!" I held out my hand. He shook it. The other hand in the air so I knew he wasn't lying. "Good." We all left the room. Tomorrow was the fight with Alura. If I lose I get executed. If Alura losses. I have to give her a pardon or she gets executed. It was loose loose either way. I walked back to my room. Jumping on my bed and closing my eyes. Soon enough I fell asleep. Meaning not to. Alura was training.

Confusion (Voltron pidge) जहाँ कहानियाँ रहती हैं। अभी खोजें