Chapter 4

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"Okay young lady, explain!" My father exclaimed looking angry, I didn't know what they wanted me to explain.
"Dad! Sorry pidge, dad meant to say, please could you explain what the hell your doing up here!" Matt corrected my mouth made a o.
"I wanted to search for you both so I joined galaxy garrison. Then Shiro came hurtling in a space pod. Finally we found a blue lion who took us into space. Oh and I'm a paladin of the green lion, Kieth here is red." I stared smiling joyfully. Matt sighed and embraced me. I hugged back.
"Sounds rough. But I'm glad your here." My dads brows arched inwards. He grabbed my wrist.
"So you left your mother alone to join a team!" Tears clutched onto the edges of my eyes. He looked at my tears and let go.
"No sir, she didn't come completely willing. The lion just took us." Kieth answered and my dad relaxed not letting go of my wrists. He was holding them too tight. A single year escaped my eye. He took me outside.
"I'm sorry I have to act angry in front of your friend and my captain, Zarcon." He pulled me into a hug. I hugged back. My dad had an ear piece in and turned on the microphone.
"Sir, my daughter is all grown up and I would like you to meet her sir!" He shouted toughly into the phone. He nodded and said mmh. My dad grabbed my wrist but softly this time.
"Were coming now sir." With that he turned off the microphone and turned to me smiling, he kissed my forehead and dragged me into a room. I wasn't wearing my uniform, and my hair had grown longer about three inches under shoulder length. My dad stood me next to him. I saw Hagar and Zarcon. I felt fear in my eyes. They saw.
"What a beautiful girl, what's her favourite colour?" Zarcon asked coming closer to me. My dad looked at me, it had been eleven years since I'd last saw them.
"Green, sir." I answered as he looked at my dress. He looked into my eyes and smiled,
"Wonderful!" He exclaimed.
"Katie! Where are you?" Kieth shouted. I looked at my dad.
"Sir, I must attend to the boy please Katie stay here." My dad walked out of the room. Zarcon lifted me up and saw how light I was.
"Are you a paladin of Voltron?" I looked shocked how did he know?
"Yes sir but I'm not here to attack sir, I came to see my family." I thought I might have said sir too many times but he just smiled.
"Good. I want you to stay in the sweet of the palace" he showed me to a room filled with green. I looked out of the window and saw the ship. Alura's ship. But Zarcon didn't care he just smiled at me.
"See you tomorrow. I'll show Kieth to the room next to yours, I fenced a half galra anyway." I smiled and jumped on the bed as Zarcon left, he was so kind. Too kind. I shrugged it off.

I heard a knock on the door,
"Come in!" I shouted across the room as I was logging into my computer. In came Matt, my older brother by about three years. I gasped and ran towards him putting my laptop next to me on the bed, obviously.
"I missed you Matthew Holt. Really missed you." I then playfully punched his arm.
"How dare you leave me for eleven years!" I giggled and hugged him. He hugged me back.
"I have really really missed you Kaitlyn Holt!" He exclaimed as he kissed me. He had grown two inches taller and his hair had grown one inch.
"Why are you so tall. I'm one inch off of your hight!" I was in my top toes snuggling him. The door slammed open. Hunk, Lance, Kieth, Alura, Coran, my dad and Shiro ran in.
"Intruder!" Sam yelled. I let go off matt to talk to them but he wouldn't let go off me.
"Let pidge go!" Sam looked at Shiro and so did matt.
"I'm sorry but her name is Kaitlyn Holt not Pidge or at least Katie." My dad answered.
"Pidge Gunderson." Oh no the full fake name was coming out.
"I'll explain later." I face palmed and Matt held me closer.
"I'm not losing you again Katie. Never!" Matt and Sam shouted.
"We need you to attack a planet!" I looked at them confused.
"Earth!" This couldn't be Voltron, it couldn't,
"No, my mother is in that planet so are yours!" Their faces softened.
"Good we have the real person!" Keith sighed relieved. Shiro grabbed Pidges arm.
"Come we need you to form Voltron to defeat a certain man looking for Alura!" Matt held onto me. I couldn't leave my true family.
"I'm sorry, I found my family, I know Alura understands!" Tears formed in my eyes. Zarcon came storming in.
"Morning Katie, Matt, Sam." He looked at Voltron and me and Matt hugging.
"Your leaving already?" He asked I shook my head and the others looked at me in disbelief.
"Now pidge!" Zarcon looked at them and snapped his fingers.
"Champion, get them." A human with a modified iron arm and he had a brain washed look on his face. I noticed he looked like an old friend of mine.
"Luke?" I asked the boy looked at me and smiled.
"Katie!" I smiled and he did taking my friends outside and coming back in a flash.
"I'll be darned, you okay not seen you since you disappeared, presumably Kidnapped  two years ago. With the two other dudes Lance and Hunk!" I didn't know they thought we were kidnapped!
"Pardon Luke. Kidnapped? Katie..." he gave me a glare and I felt like I had shrunk.
"Matt, she didn't know the broad cast saying kidnapped after meteorite and blue lion!" He answered. Zarcon was in the corner of the room looking at my laptop. It said:
Dear Mom,
I wish I were there but I am at Galaxy Garamond. Sorry. Happy birthday mom. I hope you have a great day. Lots of hugs and Kisses for your very special day.
Katie Holt.

Tears formed in Zarcons eyes reading the sad letter to my mother the day I went missing. I bring out a holo phone.
"Call Mom Holt!" It rang and everyone looked at me. The phone was picked up.
"Honey? Katie! Matt! Sam!!" She was filled with glee.
"I've missed you all. Katie were are you?" She asked and I hesitated to answer.
"In outer space near Kurberous." I looked at my dad  then at matt.
"I finally found them mom," I said before finishing with,
"No, they found me!" My mom was now in tears, Shiro and the group walked in and Luke was trampled on.
"Your all there! Even Shiro and is that the guy you." I gave mom a death glare.
"You told me got expelled?" I relaxed and nodded.
"Yes ma'am." Shiro answered. Kieth looked at me with a glare.
"Sorry mom were losing connection see you soon!" We
All waved as it flickered and hung up. Matt picked me up bridal style and swung me around like we used to do.
"Katie, you really are a good technology-freak and plan deviser and Engineer, oh and don't forget a great team mate and an even better Dublin and daughter!" Matt stopped swinging me around noticing Zarcon still in the room.
"Matthew, outside please I need to talk, oh and Katie." Zarcon left the room and pushed the paladins in the room. I walked out with matt locking the door after sam had ran out and through the long corridor.
"So Katie and Matt..."

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