Chapter 12

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Pidge POV

I was sat with the child talking strategy. We were going to, in secret, plan to defeat Zarcon. Our plan was done. It only had to be put into action. The child slipped into my bag and zipped it up. I picked the bag up and slid the straps over my shoulders. I ran to the control room, where everyone was chilling.
"Guys!" I yelled and heads turned. The blade of mamora were talking to them as I had rudely interrupted.
"What Katelyn. We're busy here. Nothing for a child to know!" Alura's words stung but I didn't care.
"I have a strategy to share." I clung onto the straps of the bag.
"No! Go away. Adult meeting only," Shiro looked at her and glared. She piped down, the team and mamora gestured for me to sit and talk.
"So we have bate. A lion. We lead Zarcons head ship to a wormhole devise. We teleport him to a space in another galaxy with not neighbouring planets. There we battle. I'll leave the battle too you guys though. I'm more of engineer techno person." The blade of mamora looked at me and nodded. Shiro and the group looked proud, other than Alura. Alura looked like she was gonna slap me, for getting approval. I held my bag stronger than before.
"What's in the bag?" Alura asked cockily.
"Nothing for you or boys too see." I spat back. I took the bag off and held it. I looked inside a tiny gap. He was still there. I sighed in relief.
"What are you hiding, Child!" Alura almost screamed at me. I turn and face the other way before striding off with my green bag. I walked down the corridor to the front entrance. As I walked outside I let the tiny galra child out of my bag. As in end down he looks at me and smiles.
"Thank you." He says and places a small kiss on my cheek. I smile back.
"No problem," I didn't notice I was speaking galran again, until he laughed. I smiled at his laugh.
"Vrepid Sa!" He saluted.
"Vrepid Sa," I saluted back. We walk to the forest. I glance back to see the team and the blades of mamora looking for me. All except Alura. Even my brother and family looked for me. A large ship stood in front of us.
"Their back!!!" One shouted, the others crowded us.
"We have our plan. Let's do it!" The tiny leader shouted. Everyone saluted. We began to build a wormhole device.

Shiro's POV

We looked all over for Pidge. She was nowhere in sight. I wish she was.
"Katelyn! Pidge!" I shouted. I noticed her and the galra child leader at the edge of the forest. She turned her head in the direction she was heading. Into the forest.
"One minute guys." They all nodded. I walked to the forest. Climbing a tree I saw a space ship. I jumped from tree to tree. As I had gotten to the last tree, I glanced down. Pidge and the leader saluting the others before shuffling to get the, what looked like, worm hole device ready. They were a perfect team. I had to say. They did it well.

Sorry for the short chapter, I'll be doing another Fanfic at the same time as this one. So it will be every once a week I update this one. Sorry. Hope you enjoy this book so far. Thanks for reading the chapter. Peace out ✌🏻.

Confusion (Voltron pidge) Où les histoires vivent. Découvrez maintenant