Chapter 9

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Lotor was running straight towards me. Fear stuck to the edges of my eyes. He readied his arm to grab me. But failed as I don't know how but I managed to punch him with a lot of force! I sent him flying through the trees until he got stuck on a branch. I looked at my skin. It was normal again.
"Get angry honey!" My mother shouted I looked at the team trying to stand up and Zarcon standing proud in the middle of them. My brother and father both held up by the neck, damn galra! My mother was also on the floor begging for mercy. She was obviously portending but it got me.
"Wheres Katie to protect you, of yeah in Lotors arms!" Zarcon cackled maniacally. He examined the area, he looked in shock.

Zarcon POV.

I was shocked. I saw Katie. But different from human and half Altean and tenth elf. She looked calm and peacefully walking, no floating over. My jaw must have dropped as the paladins and her family were grinning at me.
"How? The power she is merely a child!" Her father whispered to his wife. When I looked back to Katie she was right in front of me. The last thing I remember was her letting out a large powerful green glow, hurtling right for me. Darkness covered my eyes I couldn't do anything.

Katie POV.

I woke up from a weird feeling on my knees and surrounded by first my family and then my team.
"What happened?" I felt stupid for asking. My mother just pull me into a family hug with my space family as well.
"You're powerful my girl. It took me years of training but still you managed." My father looked at me and Alura did as well. I realised, Alura was my sister, true sister not just space family.
"Nice surprise sis?" I winked at Alura. She winked back and smiled,
"Completely pure surprise. It was amazing." We all giggled and I remembered Kieth and the warm sensation, the KISS! I looked at Keith and blushed. He blushed when I looked at him. The hug parted and everyone looked at me and Kieth who both had deep blushes. We all giggled.
"Just get to making out already!" Lance shouted I blushed deeper before slapping him.
"Shut it Spanish boy!" I still felt angered. Everyone looked at Lance whimpering. We heard Lotor and Zarcon laughing. We all looked at them. I came closer. They stopped and ran. I grabbed Lotor by the collar of his shirt.
"Explain. Now!" I felt furious holding him up to the group.
"Fine. Well, my did didn't explain it all to me while you were there. You have a kiss from the one you loved before that wore part of the spell off. Then you have to kiss the one who had a crush on you now. So you have to kiss two people gross I know." I must have looked furious as my cheeks went red and  I felt Lotor cower in fear. I threw him to Shiro.
"Do what you like I don't care." I shrugged it off and walked into the castle. As i entered my room I felt tears roll down my calm cheeks. I curled up into a back in the corner of the room.

Keith's POV

I watched as Pidge entered the castle and ran to her room. I needed to see her. I had a crush on her before. Maybe another kiss would work. Maybe I'm just greedy. Maybe she likes Shiro. He has a crush on her. If she chooses Shiro over me what could happen? I felt like I was breaking down. I couldn't see Pidge in this state. But I had already knocked on the door.
"Come in." Her weak voice full of sorrow. I opened the door with a code she told me.
"Wanna talk about it?" I asked, expecting no for an answer.
"Yes please. I'll start, I was told you had a crush on me. I loved you. Next, I tell Shiro to do anything with Lotor who had a crush on me." Tears trickled down her face and dropped into her dress. She was curled up in the corner. I sat on the bed to listen. She got all her insecurities and problems out. I was also told she was bullied by Spanish boy and a girl Cora, in primary and high school until they met hunk. Cora boogered off and Lance had been set straight. I told her everything over whelming her, I thought she was. I was bullied at school too. But by humans saying my ears were to pointed and my tears would leave purple blotches instead of red I was called grape for that. Everything spilled. My lips dry after.

Katie POV

His lips looked dry so I stood up cleaned my face and walked out of my bedroom. I lead Keith to the kitchen. I grabbed space juice. The texture was like water but the taste was of strawberry. We sat at the table comforting each other for ages. Until the alarm went off. Oh goody more alarms. I looked up what was wrong. A ship, not galra firing at the castle. I fell off of my seat. I ran outside leaving Keith. The ship was large and cast a large shadow over the planet.
"Give is what we want or pay the consequences!" The ships speakers boomed. It sent a cold shiver up my spine.
"What you want?" Lance asked shouting a huff came from the microphone.
"You know the family of Alteans." I looked shocked. They wanted my family. I wasn't thinking straight at the time. I leapt on top of the ship. Alura trying to stop me. I wriggled past everyone else. I creepy indie the hatch leading into the ship from the top. I was greeted to lots and lots of aliens who looked as if saved from the galra...

Confusion (Voltron pidge) Tahanan ng mga kuwento. Tumuklas ngayon