Chapter 14

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Last chapter duplicated itself. Sorry if you read it twice. Anyway hope you enjoy the chapter.

Shiro's POV

Alura told us she didn't know a thing. I knew she was lying. She has a major crush on me. She thought Pidge was taking me away. "The only planet I know that she could have gone to is Grugolora land of the Strongest species that hate new comers." She said. My heart broke. They'd tare her to shreds. Matt looked even more hurt. "We have to find her. With or without Alura and her jealousy." I nodded. She didn't tell us the coordinates so we found them ourselves which took a good quintent. I can't believe she did this to Pidge. "We still on for later?" She asked. I shook my head. "Not unless you tell the complete truth." She sighed, "I already did." I don't believe her, not one bit. "Then why don't you help us." That took her off guard. "Cause Pidge is strong and plus I'm tired." She pretended to yawn. "Night guys." We all waved a got back to work. How could she? I felt like crying my eyes out. Keith put a hand on my shoulder. "We will find her. It's my top priority!" He yelled at us all. I smiled. The only ray of hope left. We got back to work. Soon enough we were in the planets atmosphere.

"Okay people, we are gonna rest tonight and walk tomorrow and meet the ruler of this planet. We all nodded. I really wanted to find her. I needed fresh air. Everyone else went inside. I heard soft singing.
"I've been hearing symphonies. Before all I heard was silence..." I walked past the forest and saw a girl with light brown hair and amber eyes. She was singing. She looked like Pidge. Except she was wearing a green night dress and a chiefs headset. Another girl with dark blonde hair humming along. I just had to join in.
"A rhapsody for you and me, and every melody is timeless..." we sung for a few minutes then it was time for me to go. Her soft voice floated from the melody to conversation with her friend. I left and strolled back to the castle. I saw Alura trying to fly the ship. "What are you doing?" I asked startling her. "Leaving this planet. It's dangerous." I grabbed her shoulders and yanked her with me. Dragging her along the corridors and into my room. She blushed a dark shade of red. I placed her on the ends of my bed. "Go to sleep." I said while locking the door. I got into bed. She got in after. It was going to be a long night.

Pidges POV

I was talking with my friend when she asked me to sing. So I did. A soft voice joined in. After the melody I went back to talking with Night. She was my newest friend. We talked for about an hour before we had to go to bed. She was shown to a guest bedroom and I slept in my room. I dreamed about the future. When I woke I noticed my friend.
"Morning." I yawned she smiled. "Morning Katie." My advisor knocked on the door. I called for him to come in. He walked in and bowed. "Chief. People wish to see you." He bowed again. "Allow me to get dressed and I'll be there in a few." He nodded and left. Night picked out a royal dress. White with flowers. She then passed did my hair quickly placing a flower headband on my now brushed hair. I wiped on my shoes and walked down to the door. They opened. My lion quickly walked to my side. I walked out as my name was announced. People on the streets smiled and waved. I smiled and waved until I came to the gates. "Please try to make peace first." I nodded at my advisor. He yelled for them to open the gates. The Paladins as well as Alura and my family walked in. "Oh great Alura." I rolled my eyes. Shiro looked at me. "Pidge?" The lion roared. I stroked it. "Calm down I know them girl." She purred. Matt ran up to me and hugged me. I hugged back. "Matt!" We earned some smiled from the people. "You know him Kat?" Night asked. "My bro." She nodded and curtsied. "Welcome to the city." Alura scowled and tapped her foot. "We've seen her can we go now." Shiro shook his head. "Chief Katelyn. You have a royal ball tonight." I was reminded. I smiled and curtsied. "Thank you." He smiled and looked at Alura. "No haters allowed." She looked angry again. "I wish I sent you to another planet that would kill you." People gasped. Shiro looked mad at her. Keith looked furious. "So now you admit it." She placed a hand over her mouth. Noticing she had just admitted she sent me here. "Alura! How could you?" Keith growled, "I thought I was the mean one here." He crossed his arms at her. "I'm not sorry either!" I shook my head and laughed. "Me either. I'm not the chief." They looked at me in surprise. Keith and Shiro smiled at me. Alura scowled. "Alura back to the ship!" Coran commanded she shook her head. Coran looked at me. Then mouthed, 'imprison her for a few wont you she deserves it.' I nodded to myself. I clicked my fingers and a guard  appeared. I whispered in his ear. "Please," he nodded and grabbed Alura but the arm and escorted her to a cell in the dungeons. The food was nice there but not the place to sleep well. "Sorry about that. She'll on let stay for three nights then we have to see her fight with me." They nodded in understanding. "Sorry," they nodded again Keith and Shiro looked worried. "I'll show you to your rooms in the palace." Night followed me. She had the second best room in the palace. The others got the other great rooms.

Aluras POV

I can't believe I'm in a cell. A shabby one at that. I deserve better. Nobody's come to visit.
"I'd recommend practicing fighting. Your gonna have to fight our Chief in three days. She won't go easy." I grunt at the guard in disgust. Me fight, and ruin my looks no way, I'd rather stay here forever. His wings grew. "It's time we see the chiefs wings." I smiled. She has none. When he left I cackled. She'll be killed in an instant. I couldn't wait to see it. Then I heard footsteps. "Alura I can't believe you stooped so low." It was Hunk and Lance. They stopped out side my cell. "I didn't actually do it. I covered for her." I lied, I didn't want to stay in this cell much longer. Lance looked at Hunk, "no Alura stop fighting the truth it will only dig your grave deeper." I frowned. What did they mean by that. "When you make enemies they stay for life unless you tel the truth." Lance added. I frowned more. "Fine, I did do it. I'm so jealous of Pidge. Shiro likes her and I love Shiro. I had to get her out of the way so we could be together." I bring my knees to my chest. "You get all that?" They asked. I looked up. "What?" I was so confused. "Yep." It was Shiro. Oh no. "Why didn't you just yell me you liked me?We could have avoided this." I knew he was right. "I'm sorry." I looked down. "I'm sure she'll give you a comfier cell after we show her to footage." I tried to smile. It didn't work. I felt like crying. "Okay." This was all the trick. I get them to pity me then I strike. I know my plan will work.

Pidges POV

The guard asked to see my wings. If you're Chief you grow wings. I had folded my wings into the dress. "Okay. Let me go change into a better dress for it. I changed into a dress that had a circle in the back where my wings had sprouted out. They were light green. My tiny horns began to sprout. They were white. I walked out of my room and was greeted by everyone of the Paladins. I tried to hide my wings. "Wow you have wings!"
I nodded. I was now half Altean half Grogolorian. I loved it. My ears were pointed and I still had green marks under my eyes. I smiled. "Sweet right." They nodded. Night tickled me from behind making me fly up. "Haha please stop hahah wow I'm flying!" She stopped tickling me as I looked down. I was hovering a few feet of the ground. "Duh you have wings." I giggled again, "right." Shiro and Keith helped me land. Keith blushed and Shiro gave me a screen with Alura on. She confessed. She was jealous of me. "Why is she jealous? She's prettier, a princess, treat well and friendly to people other than me." Keith stopped for a second. "I can name a few." I gestured for him to do so. "You're pretty, smart, a Chief, loved, kind, friendly, sassy and fierce, tamed the green lion twice and have wings!" He stated. I wasn't expecting that. I smiled he smiled back. We began to walk. "Guard could you give her a cover and pillow and a set of clean clothes please?" A guard nodded looking at my wings. "Of course." He bowed and went to do so. "Lets all get ready for the ball, my dress is almost ready..."

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