Impression 24

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The Plan

The Plan

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[ Akashi's POV ]




My thoughts… scattered.
Stupendous, Mibuchi.

"Yes?" I replied briefly, not in the mood for having a conversation as I tried to regain every piece of my scattered thoughts. They were precious.

"You were daydreaming on that fast-running mode!!" Mibuchi explained, nearly shrieked out, "It scared me! You could've fallen and hurt yourself, Sei-chan!"


"…Oh. You're right," I assented, looking at the numbers on the screen, "thanks for telling me," I quickly turned it off and grabbed a towel Mibuchi had prepared for me.

ㅤNo wonder I was sweating so hard, I was running on a treadmill

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No wonder I was sweating so hard, I was running on a treadmill. I forgot that I was doing my daily workout routine. What a rare occasion.

"Glad I checked you on time," Mibuchi let out a relieved breath and waited for me to get done.

"Hm," I simply nodded while drying my hair with the towel. My thoughts had already wondered again as I walked out of the gym to get some fresh air.

"You've been so into your own world these days, Sei-chan…," Mibuchi said, suddenly followed me behind. "Is there anything I can help? You look… troubled... and I'm worried."

Impress Me, Empress ➳ Akashi Seijuurou (Kuroko no Basket)Where stories live. Discover now