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JimmyJamesMadison you and i need to have a talk

why did you tag me oh goodness

-you have to post the rules
-you can't tag the same person who tagged you
-you can't refuse
-you have one week to do this
-you have to post this in a chapter, NOT in a comment or on your or someone else's wall
-you have to list 13 things about yourself
-you have to have a creative title
-you have to tag 13 people
-don't change the rules

so let's get down to it friends


my real name isn't tara, it's actually alaina. tara started as a means of keeping privacy but now it's simply what I'm known as online.


i have five cats. two are indoor, three are outdoor. indoors, we have pixie and nickie. outdoors, there are momma kitty, saban, and purrcilla.


recently, i quit my school band. but before i quit, i played tuba and sousaphone. however, outside of school i play the violin. i have played violin for about two-three years now.


i suck at conversation. i promise i'm a nice person i just suck at initiating conversation. if you want to talk to me personally, send me a pm.


at the time of writing this, my birthday is tomorrow (july 30) so happy early birthday to me. i'm a young child so i'm turning fourteen. (i was born in 2003)


as of the 2017-2018 school year, i'm going into ninth grade. this year, i will be applying to a boarding school in hopes of attending this school for my sophomore, junior, and senior years. this school is very advanced and only has AP and Honors classes and has an average ACT score of 29.


i have had straight A's ever since kindergarten. every year, i've received A Honor Roll and i don't plan on losing that now.


i have attended space camp for the past five summers ever since i was nine. space camp has always been a big part of my life and has helped influence my desire to become an astronaut and/or work for nasa


when i was five, i had a splenectomy to get my spleen removed. this was due to the fact that my spleen wasn't only killing viruses, it was also killing my essential cells. i would often have nosebleeds out of nowhere, bruises would suddenly show up even though i hadn't hit anything, and i was extremely pale.


i got into musicals because of hamilton (which i know is super cliche). but i'm not ashamed of it because if i hadn't gotten into hamilton, i wouldn't have found the many other musicals that have shaped me as a person so much.


i live in a moderately small town in alabama. the population of my town is at least 5,000 and at the most 6,500. it may seem like a lot of people for a 'small town', but it really isn't. every grade in my school has somewhere between 50-100 people, but never more than 100.


i honestly cannot tag thirteen people because i simply do not have that many friends.

i tag:

and i'm also adding my old/other accounts because i need more people to tag and why not

book about my insanityOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora