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I don't know how to feel honestly

but I found out that I filled the front of my first test out wrong and I just

I'm an idiot

so that may be one reason why my scores are so delayed

I'm so stupid I stg

but I think I did pretty well. for some reason, the math on this one was easier than the last one. I don't know if it was just that it was mostly algebraic and geometric expressions that I actually understood or not.

of course, I didn't understand the calculus questions because heh

I'm not that advanced

the english portion was easy to me (as usual). I never have difficulty with English because I love reading and writing so much.

science was okay. I personally think it was harder than the last time I took it because there was a lot of chemistry, and I haven't gotten to that branch of science yet.

now reading.

*heavy inhale*


that was the hardest thing I've ever taken

I'm not bad at reading (duh) but I HATE having to do the comprehension

I'm not bad at receiving the plot and main idea of the story, but it's so hard when it comes to the point that I barely understand what the passage is about.

steam-powered cars? this dude's depressing life? García Márquez? One Hundred Years in Solitude? I understood nothing

but the worst part


I had to read two passages on plastics

I hated it so much

the reading on the last test was so much easier because they were easier topics. I had one on the Palace of Versailles, one on mirrors, and one about an ancient tribe. they were easy to me because they were topics that aren't uncommon.

but yeet

I should receive my score by December 19th so that'll be fun

I'm hoping and praying for a good score 🤞

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