im so anxious

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so this school I was trying to get into is really stressing me out

I finished my application process for it altogether, so I basically now all I have to do is wait until late February/early March until the next course of action

and the thing is

I want to go to this school so freaking bad

it's called the Alabama School of Math and Science (idc if you guys know the name because yes, I'd live there, but no, it wouldn't be my permanent location)

it's called the Alabama School of Math and Science (idc if you guys know the name because yes, I'd live there, but no, it wouldn't be my permanent location)

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it's a public residential school, meaning it's a boarding school but it's completely tuition-free. it also has a really good reputation with colleges and scholarships and I just reALLY WANT TO GO

they have more than just the average class. it's not just "US History" there, it's "Western Thought," "World Wars I & II," "The Great Depression," "History of Terrorism" and so on

it's not just "Spanish" and "French" there, it's "Program Abroad" and "Advanced Foreign Language"

it's not just "English 11" there, it's "Biblical Literature," "Elizabethan Language," and "Creative Writing"

and I know to some this may not sound like a big deal, but I've had limited education all my life

not once have I been able to take classes that interest me as a person, and instead I've had to take classes that the school I'm in can offer

this school values learning just like me, and I think it'd be great for me to go

after staying at their summer camp and experiencing what they have to offer, I've become even more interested. I want to go to this school so bad, that the stress and anticipation has been causing me to break out

my mom and several alumni all say I stand a good chance of getting accepted, but the anticipation has been driving me insane

anyway, that's where I've been the past several weeks, but I'm back now and will hopefully start writing more frequently again

(I didn't proofread and edit this, so I'm sorry for any mistakes I've made)

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