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you guys

I'm so excited for the time I'm able to drive on my own

I'm turning 15 in july, so I'm preparing to get my permit. the excitement of it all just had my blood pumping and I'm so exciTEDD

like I just can't wait until I can meet my friends and we can go hang out together

or if I just want out of the house, I can go somewhere by myself

or on weekends when me and my friends can do exciting stuff

I mean, I know driving isn't always glitz and glam, but I'm just so genuinely excited for it

I don't mind having to get stuff for my parents. I don't mind running errands. I don't mind taking people places. I love the thrill.

I guess the meaning of this is just how much I love my independence. for example, I so badly want to go the alabama school of math and science not only because of the academics but also because of the freedom to live in dorms

yeah but that's all

also your sketchbook is almost at 5k reads and I can't thank you all enough

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