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so my school is doing something called SSEP (Student Spaceflights Experiment Program) where you come up with an experiment to send to the ISS and if your experiment is chosen, you present it at the Smithsonian

my school is paying for boarding and travel fees for the students to fly to D.C. which is great because then we don't have to pay for it

but the best part is

my mom said if I save up enough money and if we are chosen, we might drive up to New York and see several shows on Broadway

so this is all a big deal for me and I'm really excited

this would be in July of 2018, so I have plenty of time to save money for tickets to Broadway shows.

now I just really, really hope my group's experiment gets chosen so I can not only present it at the Smithsonian and send it to the ISS, but I can also see shows on Broadway

that would be the highlight of my life

it may seem like I'm making a big deal of this, but keep in mind that I've only been to New York once in my life, and we were only there for two days and one night. getting to go back to New York and see shows I've always wanted to see would be the best thing to ever happen to me

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