Chance Sutton - Texts

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Chancey poo 💩💕
Come cuddle?

Y/n 🖤
I'm editing :(

Chancey poo 💩💕
I'll help you if we can cuddle

Y/n 🖤
Tempting but I know you'll distract me

Chancey poo 💩💕
Come on bby

Y/n 🖤
Fine I'll be up in 10

Chancey poo 💩💕
Love you 😘

Y/n 🖤
Love me too😚🍑

Chancey poo 💩💕

Y/n 🖤
I love you too bb 💕

// this is me being too lazy to write and counting down the days till I have to be trapped in school, sorry it's really short // update: I'm currently in school and I barely have time to write and shiz because I get so much homework but I hope to be uploading some things I have written and writing some more //

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