Frank and Alice

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This one is honor of Neville longbottom. Happy brithday Neville!
I wake up in the morning when Frank trips over his plant food spilling it everywhere.
"Shoot!" Frank saids as he falls over the food.
"What did you do now?" I ask getting off of my bed.
"Plant food everywhere." Frank saids while grabbing his wand to clean it. "Oh, and today's the day I'm finally going to ask out Alice."
Frank's starts. "Scourgify!" He finished. Pointing his at the mess.
"But the problem is I don't know how to ask her. Any tips?" He asked as he puts the food back in it's spot.
"You got to be cool." I say as I walk over to my closet.
"Cool, okay how do I do that?" Frank asked as he sat down on his bed.
"The fact that you needed to ask that means you can't and will never be cool." I say putting on my shirt.
"Well of course your cool your friends with James potter and Grace Anaybel and to add on top of that your Sirius black! I'll never be that cool. But do you think you could teach me?" He asked putting his tie on.
"You can't teach coolness It has to come naturally." I say laying down in bed. "But I suppose I could try and teach it to you."
"Really great. Does mean you'll stop ignoring me when I talk?" Frank says hopefully.
"Sorry what, I'm just so use to tuning you out, sorry." I say closing my eyes.
"I'll take that as a no." Frank say under his breath.
"Well first, you're​ never gonna girls of you wear you uniform like that." I say looking his uniform.
"Well how should I wear it then?" Frank asked with worried look on his face.
"Here, loosen your tie," I say as I sit up. "Then do something about your hair."
"What a comb my hair." Frank says.
"Oh well you need to mess up give it a little personaitly and volume. Seriously it looks like you mom did your your hair." I say as I mess up his hair. "Then, what is this?" I point to his vest.
"My vest?" Frank saids looking down at it.
"It looks awful. Never wear it again." I say as i walk to the door for breakfast.
"Wait, should we wake him up?" Frank says pointing to
"Frank, Frank if your cool do you wake someone up so they don't miss class?" I ask him
"No?" Frank said qestionly.
"Exactly, you turn off his Alarm clock." I still before walking down to breakfast.
"Morning." Grace saids as I sit down for breakfast. "Have you seen James?"
"Yea, he'll be down in a few." I say smiling.
"You scare me when you do that." Peter saids while eating a pancake.
"Ew, Peter don't talk with your mouth full." Grace said while put syrup on her waffle.
"Whatever, everything scares you Peter." I say as I grab a strawberry.
On muggle studies the professor kept talking about a statue of cheese and the leaning tower of Liberty. I wasn't really listening.
The next hour potions with Grace.
"What did you do to Frank?" Grace asked.
"What do you mean?" I ask her.
"Please quite​ down class I will now pass back your test scores." McGonagall told us. She starts to pass back the papers.
"For one he looked like a copy of you but without the long hair." Grace finished.
"Okay well all I did was gave him some pointers on how to be cool so he could ask out Alice." I say while looking for a pen.
"Yea well he ask her in frist period and she laughed then ask him why he was dressed like you." Grace told me.
"Really? What did he say." I say as McGonagall puts my test on my desk.
"That that was the new and improved Frank." Grace started. " What did you get?" Grace asked me looking at the test.
I flip the paper over to see D.
"D."  I say.
Which is not anything new I normally get a A, P or D.
But O is the best.
The scale goes like this:
Passing grades
O- outstanding
E- extraordinary
A- acceptable
Failing grades
P- poor
D- Dreadful
T- troll
"Ha ha." Grave laughed.
"What about you?" I ask looking at her test.
"O as usual." Grace saids smiling
"Whatever miss. Know it all." I say.
We're gonna straight to lunch. Frank stops me before I can get into the great hall.
"Hey so... Next week is the full moon right?" He asked me.
"Um... Yea?" I say wondering where he's going with this.
"What day?" Frank asked me.
"Why do you want to know?" I say quickly.
"Because I want to come with you guys!" I frank says happy.
"No not happening. We just found out you knew none of us really trust you all that much sorry man."
"But I'm trust worthy." Frank says again
"Yea I know but they won't go for it that easy." I say as walk to the table. As in walking I notice that Grace is waking over to Frank and I over heard her telling him "next time if you want to ask a girl out don't go to Sirius." She says with a smile.
The day goes on very slowly but that's only because it was so boring. At dinner as I'm walking on to the great hall I see Frank and Alice talking to each other.
"That's nice so did she say yes to him?" I ask Grace who was sitting next to me.
"Yea after i fixed the damage you did." Grace says looking over at them.
"What damage I thought he looked cool." I say
"Yes we'll that's because he looked like you, but Alice doesn't like you she likes frank, she would've​ say yes the frist if you didn't put all those things in his head." She said as grabbed some ham.
Later that night when everyone was in my dorm room rather​ then frank sit there and be ignored he went to thank Grace.
"Frank wanted to go with us this full moon." I say try to sound casually.
"What! Is even an aimagus?" Remy's yelled.
"Yea he is I saw him once he's a ferret." James told us.
"Whats that?" Peter asked.
"Probably something werewolves eat." Remy said.
"Hey now, well that didn't stop you letting James go." Frank says from behind us.
"Yea I guess I never really thought of that." Remus said as James looked very uncomfortable.
"Well, it's getting late we should probably go to bed." Remy's says as he gets up
"yea good night." Peter says before walking out with Remus. James fallowed them to go talk to Grace.
"Hey Frank smile for me?" I say remembering the camera.
"I will if you convince them to let me go." Frank says.
"Fine." I say getting ready.
"And if they don't you have to dance on the table in the great hall to a song of my choice." Frank say now smiling.
I take the picture

Dance on the table in the great hall to a song of my choice

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Dance on the table in the great hall to a song of my choice.

"Fine whatever." I say looking to the picture. And turn to show Frank.
"Yep still hansome." He said looking at the picture.
"whatever." I say as get into bed and James walks back in the room.
"Goodnight." James' saids as he yawns.

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