the cookie contest

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I woke up it was now Friday only two more days until the yule ball. I'm kinda happy that Christmas is on a Sunday because we have Monday off because of the party. But today is special,a few mouths ago graces igneous up for the annual holiday cookie contest. And seeing as I can't bake at all this should be fun. I walked down to the great hall for some Breakfast and sat down. Grace was passing out a a slip of paper.
"Okay, to get out of of your 3rd hour classes we just have to show the teacher this and she'll let us out.
"Why did you pass out the slipped we all have McGonagall for 3rd hour." Remus points out.
"Shut up, Remus." Grace says. "Don't be late." She said she headed off to class.
Frist and second hour we had a test so I gonna skip over that. In 3rd hour we left half way through and headed down to the great hall.
" okay, the rules are simple you must make 6 cookie each different types under an hour then the judges will see who's is the best. Winners get new brooms.  You have 5 mins to plan. On your marks get set go!" Professor slug horn said.
"Great okay, so we'll going to make peanut butter cookies, sugar cookies, Nutella cookie, strawberry cokkies, chocolate chip cookies, and finally, peppermint cookies." Remus said as she set down the intrusions.
"Okay, so each person makes their own cookies. James gets chocolate chip cookies, Peter gets peanut butter cookies, I'll get Nutella cookies, Sirius gets the sugar cookies, grace gets peppermint, lily gets strawberry."
"times up for planning it now time to meet our judges. The first judge is McGonagall." Claps from everyone. "The second judge is Hagrid." There was still claps just not as much. "And the final judge is Dumbledore!" Everyone Clapped for him. "Okay, let's get this started go!" Professor slug horn yells as we all get to work. I look at the instructions and the Frist thing it says to go is preheat the oven. Utility forgot what an oven was, I tried to think back muggle studies but I just couldn't remember.
"Sirius, is there a reason why are just standing there?" Grace asked me.
" well, it says to preheat the oven, I don't know what an oven is." I told her.
She walked to a big metal box.
" this is an oven, what do you have to preheat it to? She asked me.
"Um, 375." I said as she clicks a few buttons.
"when it beeps it is ready." She said as she got to on her cookies.
Great that done next step, In a small bowl, stir together flour, baking soda, and baking powder. Set aside. I look for something that said flour I finally found it in a cabinet. I gather up the rest of the stuff I look back at the instructions. I needed 2 3/4 cups flour. So poured into the bowl, then found the baking soda and the baking powder. And then read on, in a large bowl, cream together the butter and sugar until smooth. I mixthem together and ittook a while but was finally smooth then it said to, Beat in egg and vanilla. How was supposed to beat an egg that made no sense. "Having trouble, sirius?" Lily asked.
"How do I beat an egg?" I ask confused. She aught an grabbed an egg and cracked into the bowl then took out an weird looking mixer thing.
"Was there anything else that needs to be added I  there before we mix it?" She asked me plugging it into the wall.
"Um, 1 teaspoon of vinilla." I say reading the paper.
"Okay."  she adds that and turns on the mixer and mixes it together. She looked at the paper and told me to start slowly pour in  the other bowl. And I did once that was finished she told to fallow the paper and left to check on her cookies.
The oven beeped and we offer lyrics had 15 minutes left so I quickly read on,
Roll rounded teaspoonfuls of dough into balls, and place onto ungreased cookie sheets. A grad a cookies sheet and start making them batter I to balls and put them on  the sheet. Then I put I to the oven. The Instructions said to leave it their for 10 minuets so I waited for ten minutes. When  they were fine ally done a I took them out and placed them down on counter waited for Instructions from grace. After a few minuets grace took a 3 of my cookies and put them on different plates. Just then the time was up.
"Time is up step back the judges will now taste your work. The slytherin  team was up frist. All there cookies were either over cooked or under cooked because pretty much all of them were pureblood they had on idea what they were doing. The was the ravenclaw team the judges  said all their cookies were great but they only managed to get 5 of the 6 cookies onto the plates. The hufflepuff, amd acording to lily they were only real competition  in this they got all cookies plated but their red cookies were a little over  the burt side. Then was us, McGonagall said my cookies were very good for a pureblod swing as they  could have go in for a little longer. But over all I think we bid pretty they had us all go out I to the halls while the judges made there decision it took about 10 minutes  I till they made a decision.we all walked back I to the great hall and professor slug horn said, "In last place is the stytherin team." He said as he handed them each a ribbon, "in second to last place there is the ravenclaw team." He said handing them a bit bigger ribbons. "And in frist place..." he paused for dramatic effect "is the gryffindor team!" Yells as he took out the brooms. I was so excited. After that the rest of the day just seemed boring so I'll skip ahead it was time for bed. I was getting ready when I remembered that I needed a picture for today. I look around and everyone is asleep expect for moon who who is doing his homework
"Hey, Remy, smile for a picture?" I ask.
"I'm trying to my homework sirius." He said
"It will literally take one second." I said
"Fine, but if I do you have at least do one of your homework problems over the break." He said looking out the window snap.
"Sire, whatever." I say looking at the picture.

Over the break - moony

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Over the break - moony

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