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Grace's point of view

I woke up to frank combing his hair kinda how Sirius does his.
"Morning." I say as I get up. The trip to beauxbatons about one day to get there.
"Morning." Frank says as he puts the comb down "do you know if there's any food in here?"he asks me.
"Um, I think in there." I point to a box full of food
"For record I didn't see that." Frank says as he gets some food.
I get dressed for the day I didn't get that much sleep because a flying carriage is not that comfortable.
Then we both ate some food. At about 4 we finally arrived at beauxbatons
"Grace so nice to see you again." Madame Maxime.
"Hi." I said
Frank practically falls out of the carriage.
Everyone turns and looks at him.
"Who might you be?" Madame Maxime asks frank.
"Uh, I'm frank long bottom, nice to meet you."
"Ah grace she was bring a friend, meet to see you too. Should I give you the tour?" Asks madame Maxime
"Yea that would be nice." Frank says as he grabs hid suitcase.
"No, you leave that any friend of grace's will not be doing servant work." Madame Maxime says as to big guy come out to carry out luggage.
"So why don't we start with down stairs." She says before showing us way to the stairs. A he gave a tour for frank which was very boring but think frank actually thought it was cool she finally showed us to our rooms and told dinner would be held at 7:00 sharp.
"Damn, why did you leave you treated like a queen here?" Frank asked me.
"Because everyone kinda hates me, they hate that get special treatment." I say.
"Well you still get special treatment at hogwarts." Frank pointed out.
"Yea but everyone like me ish." Grace said
"Yea I guess." Frank said
We both headed down for dinner we had french onion pasta my favorite. Then after it was time for 2 hours of outside time we have everyday after dinner. Mostly frank studied the plants in the feild. After that it was around 10:00 time for lights out. I went to sleep around 11:30.

Sirius point of view

I woke up still in the fort with only Remus. James was getting dressed and Peter was eating.
"Wake up!" I yell at remus he jumps up.
"What was that for?" He asks me.
"Well you were sleeping and it almost time for breakfast." I say as I get up.
Remus gets up and starts to get ready for the day.
We all go down to breakfast
"What is this?" Peter asks pointing to a sloppy piece of meat.
"Ew, I don't know." James says.
Lily sits down beside me.
"Hey lily you want sloop meat?" I says holding the to her face.
"Ew, no it smells gross and I'm a vegetarian." She says wrinkling her nose.
James took the meat out of my hand and throw it at Snape who was passing by.
Shlop! It hig Snape right in the face.
"You wait." Snape said before throwing mashed potatoes at James but missing and hitting lily.
"I'm sorry lily." Snape said tight after.
"I'm bet you are." I say as I throw angle cake at him but he moved and I hit Jason nott.
"Oh its on!" Jason yells.
"Food fight!" Remus yells then he takes cover.
Soon every one was throwing food everywhere.
We headed down to her office covered all stores of food.
"What was the meaning of starting that food fight?" She asks us.
"Snape was talking bad about grace, so throw the meat thing at him." James said.
"I understand that it was wrong for Snape to about her behind her back but you should have just came to me instead." She said. "And you Sirius throwing food at Mr nott!?!"
"I was aiming for Snape because he threatened james." I said defending my self
"What exactly did he say?" She asked
"You wait." I said
"Yes I will talk to slug horn and he will sort it out. But right now you all have detention in till further notice meet me here every day this week. Your all excused." She said as got back to work.
We all left and headed to our classes.
I saw regulus in the hall.
"Hey dude." I said
"Hey why are no in class?" He asked me.
"Why are you not in class?" I question him
"It's passing period for me." He told me as he started to walk away.
"Hey wait will you smile for a picture?" I ask him
"Fine but if I'm late it on you." He says as he smiles.
Just I took the picture regulus asked
"Who is that?"

 Just I took the picture regulus asked "Who is that?"

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Who is that?

"greet now you're not smiling in the picture.
"But really who is that?" Regulus looking past me. I turn around to Jason nott glaring at me so I waved.
"That's just Jason nott, he's not important. Thanks dude."
Ring. The bell goes off
I'm late. Regulus said before running off off to his class.
"Mr black why are you late?" Professor Maggie asks.
"I was talking to Mrs McGonagall." I tell before sitting down okay today we will be learning about the hippogriffs. But instead of just regular research project you will be working with a partner. When I call you and your partners name you will go sit by them and wait for my instructions. Jazzlynn and Charlize, Maya and Joey, Malakai and Mack, and Sirius and Jason." I roll my eyes that is the last thing I needed today. Jason comes and sits by me.
"These projects will take all week to complete. So take your time.after research is done you will write a 2 page long essay together. Began." Maggie says.
"Okay, well I'll work here and you can work there." Jason says as he open a book. We both start research and don't really talk to each other than whole time finally it was time for bed and we decided to have a moonlight walk as frank would say. We were really just gonna go and play hide and seek on the caslte.
First up was Peter he had to count to 30.
I ran into the great hall
And tried to open the back door but it wouldn't open
I quickly hid in the corner behind the tables that were stacked up.
And waited.
28...29...30 "Ready or not here I come!" I hear Peter yell
After hiding for while came into the room with James and remus with him they found Me and we were arguing about who would go next when McGonagall walked in.
"What are you guys doing?" She asks us
"Uh, playing hide and seek." James says with smirk
"Do I have to reminded you guys that there is no students out of bed past 10:00 it is 11:45!" She tells us
"OK goodnight." James said as he walks to the common room we all fallow.
"What's the about?" I ask 
"Well McGonagall said that there was no student out of bed after 10:00 right?" He says like he already knows the answer.
"Yea your point?" Peter says
"Well, let's just use spell to not get off our beds while moving around the castle." James says.
"We would use the levitation charm, wingardium leviosa." Remus said
"Let's do it." I said grabbing my wand.
We took off the matress from the bed and dragged it out to the common room and started once we were all out the common room we decided we should race around the school. Me and James were up first.
"On your marks get set, Go!" Remus yelled as we both took off.
I was in the lead for a while in till James cut me off at a turn I speed up and we both crossed the finish line at the same time. But I guess we were make too much noise because McGonagall had found us again.
"What with the matress?" She ask us
"Well you said no students out of bed after 10:00 technically were not out of bed." James said
"Ha, very smart. That just doubled your detention time." She said while walking us to the common room it was about 3:30 am so we all went to bed.

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