the kiss

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Author note: I am writing this because I'm bored, I mean what else I'm a supposed to do my math homework ha, don't make me laugh. Sorry guys there's no picture this time.

I woke up and James was getting ready frank was taking down the pictures that are hung by his bed stand, there mostly Alice and him.
"Why you taking those down?" I ask him
"Oh, am updating them." Frank says.
"Okay?" I say. It been two days since you last heard from me.
But today is my first of school since the fight. Me and grace haven't really talked since then it's just awkward  between us. I get up and get ready for the day and I start to head down to the great hall, I was about to talk into the great hall when someone grabs my hand and pulls me away from the food.
"What the?" I system as I take my hand back and turn around to see it was Alice.
"Oh, hey." I say "I was actually planning to eat."
"Well I need your help." She told me
"With what I do the announcements but my partner who normally says them with me got sick so I need you to feel in." She told as we walked into the office.
"Okay well how do I do this?"  I ask her.
"Just read was is on the paper." She told.
"Live in 3... 2... 1..." someone says
"Hello guys I'm Alice spinnet,"
"And I'm Sirius black."
"Happy birthday to jazzlynn ruybal and Tiana lee. Sorry if I said you name wrong."
"Today is gryffindor VS Slytherin on quidditch field at 3:00 you won't want to miss that." I read
"Also tonight we are picking the Champions after dinner so make sure to be there," Alice said
"Todays joke: knock, knock."
"Whos there?"
"A broken pencil."
"A broken pencil who?"
"Never mind it's pointless."
"Have a supper hogwarts day." We both said together.
"Oh, that was exactly easy." I say yah.
"Yah, come on they gave us food in the teacher room." She said as walked I to the break room. I fallowed her in and sat down and had the best waffles I had ever eaten.

Grace's point to of view

I woke up and got dressed and walked down to breakfast and sat down next to frank.
"Hey, what you doing?" I ask him
"My homework." He told me.
"We had homework?" I ask him
"Years in transfiguration." He told as answered a question. I grab a piece of paper and a pencil and start writing down  Frank's answers when the announcements start to play.
"Hello I'm Alice spinnet,"
"And I'm Sirius black," I here the announcements say I look to Sirius on the announcements.
"Hey look," I say noding to the announcements
"Oh, Alice told her partner got sick so she was looking an replacement."
I go back working.
"Have a super hogwarts day!" I hear them say and then the bell rings and head off to magical theory we were having a talk about the book I was supposed to read but didn't. So walk in,
"Did you finish the book?" Jason asked me.
"No." I say looking around the classroom
"Here, use my notes." He said giving his notes
"Well just share the notes." I said putting it in between us.
That class was just plain boring the only funny part was when that one guy fell asleep and the teacher called on him.
Moving on to lunch. At lunch I looked for Sirius once I found him I bragged him out of the great hall.
"Hey," I say once we were outside the great hall
"Hey," he said not looking at me.
"So, I don't want thing between us to be weird anymore can we just put the whole fight behind us?" I say
"Yea." He said as he looked at me.
"Great." I said as I go and sit down.
"Did you finish the assignment in potions?" Frank asked me
"We had an assignment in potions?" I say 
"Yea I'll show you." Frank says as he gets up. And shows me to the potions room but since it was lunch time the professor wasn't in there so I picked the lock and walk on in.
"Oh, hey look at that we did have an assignment." I say reading the board.
"Told you." Frank said as he went to turn but he fell and hit his head on  the desk.
"You okay?" I ask as he gets up. He turned around and he was bleeding.
"You're bleeding." I tell him. I take him to the imformary but madume promfrey  wasn't there so I grabbed a wet washcloth and put on his head.
"How do you know what to do." He asked me.
"I don't." I say as I get a dandaid
"Well that makes me feel safe." He says smiling.
I smile as I put on his bandaid. He sat up and our heads hit each other.
"Ow!" I laugh. We were laughing fora while and when I opened my eyes Frank's face was right next to mine and the next thing I know we were kissing but it didn't last long we both pulled away after a few seconds.

Sirius' point of view

I came down  to lunch and saw grace and frank leaving the cafeteria probably going to work on some homework thing.
I ran I to Alice on my way to the common room.
"Hey, have you've seen frank?" She asks me
"Um, he was leaving with grace to the informary." I say as I sit on the couch.
"He probably fell again." Alice says as she sat down by me and starts working on her homework. I look around and no one is in the common room expect us.
"What are you doing?"  I ask her leaning forward to see what she was doing.
"Um, my homework." Alice said as wrote down  45
"For?" I ask I did the know what class you would be doing math.
"Um, alchemy."  She says
"What?" I ask she leans back in the couch and starts to explain what alchemy is but I was just looking at her lips I don't why bit I like just noticed how cute Alice was I leaned in to kiss her it last for about 10 Seconds then we pull away remembering that were both dating some else....

my muggle studies project Nơi câu chuyện tồn tại. Hãy khám phá bây giờ