slug horns party

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Authors note: The picture above is somthing my good friend drew for me.

Tonight was the night that I was gonna ask grace if she wanted to go to the dance I was ready. I headed down for breakfast I sat down and ate some of the best eggs I had ever had. Then is was off to class. I ran into Jason on my way there.
"I win." Jason said
"What do you mean?" I ask
I just asked grace if she wanted to go with me and she said she'll think about it." Jason
I just smiled and walked away, it was funny that he thought he won.
My class was very boring and to be honest I don't really remember most of the day expect for lunch.
At lunch I sat down by Frank and he told me that they had finished the festival. I was exited to see it, it sounded awesome.
I remembered that we made plans with the girls after lunch. They were going to show us how to sled.
"You ready?" Grace asked as we walked outside all bundled up.
"Sure." I said
"Okay so, before we start you have to know the basics." Lily said
"This is a sled you ride on it do not let go of sled or try to stand on the sled." Alice said as she passed out these weird looking boards. They got the path going once they said it was ready I was first I sat down no the thing and they pushed me I went zooming down the hill only to land in the snow freezing.
"Who next?" Grace asked once I fell.
"I'll go." Remus said he got ready and fid it perfectly probably because he lives in the muggle world.
James went and crashed Peter went and made it til, the end when he fell walking back up the hill. And of course since lily told me not to stand on the sled I naturally had to stand on it. So I did, and made in till the end wher i fell. But besides that it was totally awesome I would do it again. When we finished we went inside to get some hot chocolate.
"And muggles do that every time it snows?" I asked
"Pretty much, yea." Lily said
"OK then was is next?" James a asked
"We are going muggle shopping." Alice said.
"Sounds fun." I said
"Great let's go." Grace said.
We headed over to a mall. We got there and there was a lot of people there just talking and eating not many people were buying things. We walked into a shop called the "disney" store. There was lot of kids. We walked around and grace found a cat plushy.
"What movie is that one from?" I asked as she bought it.
"Aristocats." Grace said. She set it down and I took a picture of it.

Aristocats  - grace Anaybel

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Aristocats - grace Anaybel

We shopped for a while I lily bought me this hat that said you got to be elf'in kidding me.
It was pretty awesome. Remus got stupid book peter got some candy. And james didn't get anything he mostly just annoyed evans. When we got back I had two hours till the party so I got some dinner and then helped frank with his homework, well I tired to anyway I'm pretty sure I just distracted him, but whatever. After that I went to the library to go find lupin, i dont know why but he like loves to read like what kind of person likes to resd it just werid. But i found him looking through the selfs for a book.
"Hey remy, what you doing?" I asked.
"Looking for a book." He said
"Well that sounds boring." I sy fallowing him.
"What do you want sirius?" Be asked me.
"Why would you think i wanted somthing i cant i just come down to the library and hang with you?" I ask
"Um, normal people can, but not you." He said
"Well fine, I'm bored and I have nothing to do." I complain.
"Sorry, duty if you want to be entertained you could help me look for this books." He said as he pulled out a list of books."
"How much booms are on that list?" I asked him
"Oh, only about 20, not that much." He said
"Yea okay not that much that like 20 more book then I have ever chalked out, or read for that matter." I say
"Do you want to help or not?" He said
"No, do not want to help I am not that bored I would actually look for books that just sound awful." I said. So I hung out in the common room intill it was finally time to go. When it was I headed down stairs to see Regulus and his date they both looked good
"Hey man, this is my date cameron." Regulus said
"Hey, man. to meet you." I said and grace came down wearing so excited pants and a sweater that said merry Christmas. We decided we aren't going to get all dressed up but Regulus and his date were. And so was pretty much everyone else but whatever.
We had some and danced a little it was just really boring we mostly just hung out with Regulus and cameron. We left around 11:00 we were on our way back.
"So, Jason told me he asked you to the ball." I said
"Yea, but I just, I don't know I just don't think of him that way anymore." Grace Said "Plus I've been down the road before, it doesn't end very well." Grace finished.
"Year well just out of curiosity who are you going to the yule ball with?" I ask trying to cool.
"Well, a lot of people have asked me but, I just been saying that I'd save them a dance." Grace said
"So, in other words no?" I said smiling
"No, why?" I she says back smiling
"Because um, I was wondering if I would maybe go with me?" I said really fast.
"Can you repeat?" Grace said
"Um, do you want to go to the yule ball with me?" I asked again
"Oh, um sure, I'd love to." She said. I was so excited I didn't know what to do, so I kissed her. We kissed for about 15 seconds. After that we both just laughed.
After that we both went to bed.

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