my brithday

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I woke up to Alice knocking on the door.
"What do you want now?" I ask her looking at the clock which reads 5:38.
"Um... James and Frank were supposed meet me in the common about 30 minutes ago. I was just gonna see if they were ready."Alice told me.
"No their asleep." I told her.
"Oh well can you just give them these?" Alice asked me as she gave me two letters​.
"Sure goodnight." I say closing the door.sent
I lay back in bed and slowly fall back asleep. I wake up again when James shakes me.
"Dude your gonna be late it's 8:26." He tells as he walks out of the room.
I look over at the clock and I quickly get dressed and race down to common room to see it 8:36. I'm late to my frist class. So seeing no point going to class I sit the common room waiting for my next class to start. About 20 minutes later I see Grace walking in.
"Hey shouldn't you be in class?" I ask her.
"Shouldn't you?" She asked me back.
"Yea, I should be but i didn't feel like going." I tell her.
"Okay." Grace smirks.
"So, why are are you not in class?" I ask her.
"Oh I have permission to skip class right now.
"Okay then will you smile?" I ask her.
"Sure. But then I need to do something." She saids.
She makes a funny face.

I need to do something

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I need to do something.
Grace Anaybel.

Then we went off to potions but half way through the class Grace was called down to the health office and she never came back. In the next class. Which was transfiguration there was a test they I'm sure made no sense to anyone mostly because we had never learned any of this.
At lunch Grace went to talk to McGonagall then sat down and whispered.
"The plan changed, it will be held in the room of requirement." She whispered to frank. before smiling at me.
"So, at 9:30 meet me in the common room." Grace tells.
"Okay but why?" I ask her
"It's a surprise" she tells me.
I was surprised I thought she forgot my brithday just like everyone else even my own brother forgot my brithday.
Yep the rest of the day went on and it all is pretty boring. So at dinner which was at 7:30.
I walk in late.
"Hey." I say as I sit down.
"Hey, so, we all got dentention tonight so we have to leave right after dinner." James says as he shoved some food in his mouth.
"How did you guys did that?" I ask him.
"Oh um we pulled a prank on McGonagall and she flipped so..."
He tells me.
"Well what did you expect." I say.
After dinner I sat there by my self in the common room waiting for 9:30 so I could see Grace. At about 8:25 I thought to myself that I probably should be doing my homework so I started to do it but didn't get much done because I couldn't stop thinking about what graces surprise was. So at 9:30 she came into the common room.
"Hey." I say as she sits next to me.
"Hey, so I was thinking that we could maybe study for the test coming up in muggle studies." Grace says to me.
"oh right well do you have Something we could study off of." I ask her.
"Yep." She saids as pulls out a paper.
"Oh." I say disappointed.

Grace's Point of View

It was around 8:30 and I was getting ready for the party.
"Hey, so how do I get into the room again?" Frank asked me.
"Um, just think of a big room with party decorations." I tell him.
"Um... Okay?" He saids as he walk to go find the room.
"Ok, now all I have to do is get Sirius there." I thought to myself as I went to my room to change.
After I changed it was about 9:00 so I took the study sheet lily left me. And put in my bag. Then sat and waited for 9:30.
After a while 9:30 finally came around and I was ready I walked in the common room.
I told him we were going to study he looked disappointed.
After 30 minutes of studying we decided to take a break for a sec. My phone vibrated, I picked it up Frank had texted me. I quickly texted him back

Frank- what do I do now everyone is here.
Grace- well it doesn't start till 10:00 so just kept them there.

"Who are you texting?" Sirius asked me.
"Frank, he need help with his home work." I lie.
"Oh." Sirius saids.
"So 30 more minutes of studying than I say we call it a night." I saids reaching for the paper.
"Ok, I guess." Sirius says as he leans back in his chair.
"Question 1: what is a car? And why is it important?" I ask Sirius.
"Don't care, don't know." He replied to me.
This went on till it was 10:00.
The clock just changed ten and Sirius yelled "it's finally over!"
"It wasn't that bad," I tell him.
"OK I was thinking that we could go for a walk." I say.
"Yea sure." Sirius saids as he gets up.

Sirius's POV

Grace and I walk all around the castle till she stops by a big brick wall.
"Why did you stop?" I ask her.
"I didn't. " she says as fast as she slaps the wall.
"OK, can we kept walking then?" I ask her as I start to walk away.
"No! Um... I need to talk to you?" She saids like question.
"OK?" I say laughing "what about?"
"Um... cannibalism." Grace says.
"Cannibalism?" I ask her.
"Yea its a real problem." She saids with a straight face.
"OK, what about cannibalism?" I question her.
"Um..." She started.
Just then the wall started to turn into a door.
"Wow, what just happened?" I ask looking at the door the wall just turned into.
"I don't know, maybe try opening it." Grace lies she such a bad liar.
I open the door and...

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