the yule ball

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It was now Christmas eve and tonight was the yule ball. I was excited  but since I am a professional procrastinator I still did not have a suit. But it was okay because neither did any of my friends we were planning on going shopping  today. I quickly just dressed and headed down stairs to the common room.
"Okay, everyone have their money for their suits?" Remus asked. "Yes? Okay let's go" he said as he headed over hogsmead.

Graces point  of  view 

Today we, as in all my friends were going to hogsmead to get some dresses, we decided to put it off to the last minute to challenge us in five ding a dress. So we all headed down to hogsmead when walked into a dress shop and just I thought they were pretty much out of everything. It was a good thing only lily and me needed dresses because Marlene and Alice's family sent them each one. But we looking around for a while in a few different stores when lily finally found a dress with designs on it.

She tried it on and she looked beautiful in it. So we moved on to the next shop to find me a dress.

Sirius  point  of  view 

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Sirius  point  of  view 

Everyone now had a suit and girls and not to worry about the ties because they wanted them to match their dresses so they were go name go get them so we stopped to have butterbeer.
"So, Pete who are you going with?" James asked.
"Um, sara." Peter said as he  ordered some food.
"Who?" James asked
"Sara she sits in the back of the class I transfiguration she doesn't talk much." Peter said
"What house?" James asked
"Why are you Interrogating peter?" Remy asked.
"I am just being a good friend and now since you said that you will be interrogated next." James said.
"So, house?" I asked Peter want to know.
"Um, hufflepuff." Peter said
"Remus how 'bout you?" James asked turning get his head at remus
"You already know dude." Remus said smirking.
"Well, Sirius doesn't so please tell us." James said 
"Yea, moony who is it?" I ask.
"Really, you guys are such-" Remus started to say but then the food got here.
"Okay who got the nachos?" She asked looking around during as I raised my hand. Once our food was passed out we went back to questioning moony.
"Annette, you happy." Remus said
"Annete? The librarians daughter?" James asked.
"Yea." Remus said
"Man I hate her she got me kicked out of the library last week, and all did was knock over a couple books." James saids. Which did the happen I was there he knocked down a whole book shelf.
"Whatever." Remus said
"She a ravenclaw?" James asked as he took bite of food.
"Yea." Remus said.
"Called it." James said

Graces point  of  view 

After we finished shopping we headed over to the leaky cauldron for some food.
"I say after this we head over the joke shop." Marlene said.
"Why?" I ask
"Cause I have Sirius as my secret Santa and I was just gonna get him so thing a prank with." She as looked at the menu.
"You know he been wanting a moon tracker for like ever." I say
"Yea but where would we find one of those?" Lily asked
"maybe in the charms shop."Alice said.
"Yea I quess we could  look there." Marlene said.
"Can we also go to the plant store they having a sale on plants and I still something to give frank." Alice said.
"You guys ready to order?" The waiter asked us.
"Yea, can I have the number 8 hold mayo." Alice asked.
"And I'll have number 2 with a side of ranch please." Marlene asked.
"And you guys?" He asked looking at me and lily.
"Well spilt the nachos." Lily said
"Water for all?" He asked
"Yea that works." Marlene said.
"Okay well we need to make it back to the castle by 7:00 to start to get ready." Alice said
"Yea we should be back by then." I said.
"Danmit, did have homework?" Marlene asked
"In what?" Lily asked.
"Transfiguration." She said trying to remember.
"Um, no I don't think so." Lily said.

Sirius' point of view 

Once we finished we headed back to the castle and started to get ready for the ball. It was around 9:30 and we hade 30 minutes left when lily's owl came with a package . it was the ties, we put them on and waited down I the common room for them. They finally came down at 10:16. Grace was wearing a red dress that perfectly matched my tie. We headed down  to great hall. And grace wanted some pictures so we waited in line for them. It took about 10 minutes before it was our turn.

Then we walked into and waited for the championship so to come I  with their dates

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Then we walked into and waited for the championship so to come I  with their dates. I wondered who Jason ended up bring.
The music started up and all 3 champions came in with their dates. Jason hade brought ivy a slytherin girl whom I hated. They danced for a little then people started to join them. Me grace joined them and dance for while it was now about 11:30. And we were all siting at a table and talking. When McGonagall stepped up on stage.
"We will now be announcing the winners for the awards the first award for kindest person goes to sara pulligan." Claps from the hufflepuff it had been Peters date.
"And award for biggest trouble makers go to..." I already knew that it was us.
"The marauders." She said as headed up their. A few more awards were given but I wasn't paying that much antention to it. Finally people started to count down.

"Why are we counting down?" I ask grace
"Christmas." She said
One! Everyone yelled and the music started up again and back to dancing we finally decided to call it a night around 2ish we all went to bed, what a great day it was.

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