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When we walked into the common room James dragged me to my room. And Lily started talking to Grace as they walked to there room.
"What?" I ask James.
"Frank just told that you were dating my sister." James yells when we reach out dorm room.
He opens the dorm room door and I see Frank so I jump on him and start hitting repeatedly in till James pulls me off of him.
"Is Frank telling the truth!?!"  James asked me as he hit me over the head.
"Why did you tell him!?!" I yell looking at Frank.
"He found the letter." Frank said pointing to the letter that was on his bed.
"So, I'm gonna take that as a yes it is true?" James questioned.
"Okay fine, Grace and I are dating." I say sitting down on my bed.
"You broke the bro code rule 3 section Z!" He yelled back at me.
"What?" I ask.
"Whatever, you clearly don't care." James tells me.
"But to be fair I did ask you if you'd be okay if me Grace turned to more then a friendship over the summer and you said that was fine."  I remind him.
"Yea but I didn't think that it was actually going to happen." James saids as he sits down on my bed next to me.
"Well, it did. And you know that I don't date because it means you're​ tied down to someone and you know that I Hate being tied down. Are you okay with it?" I asked him.
"I mean I kind have to because of I don't Grace will probably kill me. But if  you ever hurt her, I will come after you." James told me as he got off my bed and got into his.

In the morning...
I woke up at 7:00 and Frank was already gone and James was putting on his tie.
"Morning." James saids as he grabbed his books.
"Good morning." I say as getting out of my bed.
After i got dressed seeing as I was the only one left in the room I turned off lights and walked down to the common as Grace walked down.
"Hey." Grace saids.
"Hey, do you know that James knows that we're dating!" I ask her.
"Yea lily told me. She saw the whole thing." Grace tells me as we walk out of the common room.
When we reach the great hall we take a sat and Grace whispers something to Frank.
"What did you tell him?" I ask her.
"Nothing." Grace saids as she grabs a bagel.
Later in muggle studies.
"Okay class next week we will be taking a field trip to the movie theater to see freaky Friday." The professor Maggie said.
"I've been wanting to watch that." Lily whispers.
"What's it about?" I ask her.
"Um... It about a mom and a daughter that don't see eye to eye so a witches​ switches there bodies till they heal there relationship." Lily told me.
"Cool." I say
In transfiguration...
"As many of you know later today after lunch you all will going to your head of houses classroom for a talk." McGonagall reminds us.
At lunch Grace, Frank, Lily, Alice were gone I couldn't find them anywhere.
After lunch saw Grace walking out of McGonagall's office.
"Hey where were you at lunch?" I ask her.
"Um, McGonagall's." She answers.
"Do you know why they want to talk to us?" I ask her.
"Yea, but I'm not supposed to tell anyone." Grace saids as she opens the door to transfiguration.
She smiles at me and I snap a picture of her and she closes the door.

She smiles at me and I snap a picture of her and she closes the door

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I'm not supposed to tell anyone.

"Let me see." Grace said looking over my shoulder.
"Don't worry your still beautiful as normal." I say showing her the picture.
"Thanks." She saids as leans in to kiss me.
The bell rings and we stop kissing.
"We late." I say.
"We're always late." Grace says as she turns around to open the door. And we walk in.
"Mr. Black and Miss. Anaybel your late. Why?" McGonagall asks us.
"I stopped by the great hall to get some food." Grace say sitting down in her spot.
"Okay let's get started this year Hogwarts will be hosting the triwizard tournament. What is the tournament you may ask? Well it is a friendly competition between the largest European schools of wizardry: Hogwarts, Beauxbatons and Durmstrang. One student will be the champion of the school and will compete in three magical tasks to win." McGonagall explained. "Beauxbatons and Durmstrang will be arriving on the 25th of October."
Grace smiled at me.
After that we went back to our rightful classes.
After that at dinner Grace and Frank were talking about what to pack.
"Why are you guys packing stuff?" I ask them
"Oh, after the 5th of November we're going to fly off to Beauxbatons to give them a warm welcome." Grace told me.
"Oh, why is Frank going? I mean I get why you are going because you went there for your first year of school then switched to Hogwarts, but why Frank?" I ask.
"Oh, he has always wanted to see Beauxbatons. So I thought I would bring him with me." Grace said taking some pizza. Later that day I say on my bed thinking about the year to come. I mean I have heard about the tournament but I never thought that I could actually see it with my own eyes. I closed my eyes and slowly started to sleep until Frank walked in at 1:00.
"Where were you?" I ask him.
"Um... Just hanging out with friends." Frank lied he is a bad lier but I didn't have the energy to find out what he was lying about.

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