the after math

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I was awoken by madame profrey telling that I had to head down to office for my in school supsendtion or I.S.S.
"Hello Mr. Black, sit down your will be avriving soon." Dumbledore said as walked Into his office. I looked around during and saw Jason siting at desk in the other hall he had a bruise on his right cheek. He was turned around in his chair talking to someone that sounded like a girl. As I listened to him I realized that it was grace.
"Here's your work." The office lady said as she put down so  pappers.
"How long will I be in here?" I asked her.
"4 days." She said walking to Jason to give him his work.
I sat there and looked at the work it was a test from transfiguration.
During the day I sat at the desk asked to go the restroom but was shoot down I also staired at the wall and ceiling took a nap and by then it was lunch they had someone go down there and get me some food they didn't want me leaving the office I had some pizza with chips. Then it was back to staring at the wall. I put my head down when someone tapped me on the shoulder.
"What?" I ask not moving my head.
"Follow me." McGonagall said as she graded me and showed me out the door. As we walked down the hall everyone was looking at me mostly because I had a cut across my face from the fight.
We walked into a small room with a person sitting behind a desk. I knew exactly what this was. I sat down without talk and soon after McGonagall left telling me do exactly what she said.
"So, can you tell exactly what made punch jason?" She asked me
"Well for that were gonna have to go back to the first year, me and him sat next to each other on the train ride and he hade said few things that just didn't agree with so I switched seats and sat by some other people who are now my best friends." I start
"What happened that day." She asked me
"Oh well me and grace my girlfriend hade made plans to have a picnic at lunch that day. But she ditched me for jason I just know jason had done something to her so the next time I saw him I went for it and punched him." I tell her.
"So who made you think that jason had something?" She ask as she wrote something down.
"Noone but I know that he has been after her forever."I tell her.
"When I questioned him he said that that you had never gotten over the fact grace was still friends with him after they dated." She said
"That ture, I don't like and I've told him before." I said.
"He said that grace and you weren't dating." I said with a confused look on her face.
"Year we weren't telling anyone that we were. Only our closest fiends knew." I said "can I go?"  I ask
"Sure." She said as sorted through some pappers. I got up and walked as slowing as I could back to my seat. I had been sitting at the desk for a while I looked up to see McGonagall walking grace down to the person. And when looked at her at Glace at me then looked straight again. She had a busted lip and a cut on her eyebrow. One of hands had a bandage around it.
I put my head back down and the bell finally rang and they walked me down to the informary. I would be staying here for my I.S.S grace was one side and Jason was down the row. It was possibly the worst bay ever.

The next day

I woke up and no one was in the imformary. I asked where jason and grace went madame promotion madame profrey said that graces supsendtion ended yesterday and that jason was at his desk.
I spent the whole Dat sleeping or staring at the wall after lunch I went to speak the girl again.
"So, after you left I talked with your girlfriend and she said that she didn't know that you guys hade a date that day and her jason were just reading a book for one of their classes." She told me
"Yea but I bet it was Jason's idea for studying at lunch, right?" I say
"Yes she did say that."
"Yep knew it jason had known that we had a date that day because he was there when we decided on the date." I said
"I will look into that." She told me "your free to go." She told me.
And it was back to staring at the wall.


I woke up and I realized I only had one more day in supsendtion I sat in my seat and looked at work for today I saw that I still had bunch since I hadn't done any of it.
"You know they Won't let you go till you finished with all your work." Someone said. I looked up to see Alice.
"Hey what are you doing here?" I ask her.
"I T.A. for the office." She explained.
"Oh, I better get started on my work then, can I have a pencil?" I ask her.
As she gave a pen. I finished my work and by then it was time for bed. Alice came around a corner with a bunch but fell and they went everywhere.
I started to help her.
"If they see you out of you seat you'll get trouble." She told me
"I'm already in trouble." I say as I pick I piece for paper. Once we get a pile she puts into piles. And was brought Into the Imformary


Fridays are supposed to the best day of the week but instead I'm stuck staring at a wall doing nothing.
Alice walked in placed a few papers on my desk.
"Your work for today." She said as she walked into Dumbledore office. And told something that couldn't make out but he walked out.
"You happy it's you last day." She asks me as she sorts out some papers
"Yea, I'll finally be out all I can do us sleep and stare at a wall." I tell her.
"Sounds refreshing." She told me.
"I'll trade you." I told her.
"Yea right." She said with a smile.
"Oh I forgot I need a another picture for this week. Will you smile?" I ask her.

When I  finish." She tells me.
She turns around and goes to smile but I took the picture.

When I finish

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When I finish

The rest of the day was just me watching Alice work or staring at the wall. That night they let me go back my born after dinner. I walked I to my room and everyone looked at me. Remus and Peter were even in there.
"Hey." I say as lay on my bed.
"What the heck man?" James says
"What?" I say as sit up
"You know what." Remus says
"Why you do it?" Peter asks me
"I don't like the guy." I say as move on bed to more comfortable.
The rest of the night was kinda weird so I just went to sleep at 1:00 after everyone else was asleep.

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