the 2nd task

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I woke up with a feeling that today was gonna be off. I looked around the room everyone was a sleep, it was a saturday. The clock read 2:32 am. Uhh, I hate when I do this now I'm not gonna go back bed. After lying in my bed and trying to go back asleep I finally give up. I took a shower and got dressed. It was now 3:47 am. I walk down to the common room there was only one person awake. I couldn't tell who it was but they were by the fire doing some homework. I sit down on the couch. And start trying to do my homework but it was so boring I got to problem 5 out of 20 and I decide that was good enough. Remy walks down he's still in the his pj's.
"What are you doing up?" He asked as he sits down next to me.
"I woke up 2 and couldn't go back to sleep." I say yawning.
"You got number 2 and 3 wrong." He said looking at me work
"Whatever, at least I'd did it." I said smiling.
"What are you doing up this early?" I ask him
"It's only 5, it not that early." Remy says looking at his watch.
"Dude 8:30 is early, this is really early." I say, I do think know what he was thinking.
"Whatever." He says, "can I teach this?" He asked looking at my work.
"Sure, you try." I say
Me and Remy study till about 6:30. We then head up stairs after finishing all of my homework.
Grace is sitting at Frank's desk.
"What are you doing?" I ask her
"Shh,you see that bucket?" She said point out side. A giant bucket was hovering  over the quidditch field.
"Yea, why?" Remy asked 
"When anyone steps onto the field the bottom will and goo will fall over the person." Grace said
"Ok?" Remus says backing away from us
"The slytherin team has practice today." Grace said smiling.
"Wake up!" I yell as I walk over the beds. James sits up and hits his head on the wall. Frank jumps then rolls back over.
"Come on guys. Up. Up. Up." Frank says as  I take his blanket.
"It's Saturday, I sleep in on Saturdays." James says as he sits up.
Knock, someone knocked on the door. Remy goes to answer it and it was Marlene McKinnon.
"Is Grace here?" She asks Remus 
"McGonagall  needs her." Marlene said before leaving.
"What you do?" I ask I don't know
"Maybe she saw the bucket." Remus says smiling
"No, the bucket can only be seen by us." Grace says
"It happening!" Grace yelled as she went to the window
The bucket open it bottom and green goo fell on the slytherins.
"Awesome." James saids.
"It better go." Grace says  as she leaves.
"Okay we have one hour before the second task. What should we do?" I ask
"Eat breakfast." Peters saids
"Okay fine, let's go have breakfast." I say. We head down to breakfest. When we finish all student are told to head down to the black lake.
"I wonder where grace is." Remus said as we got to the lake.
Dumbledore starts telling us the rules of the task but I zoned out until a cannon explosion went off. All contest jumped in the water.
It was pretty boring just waiting for an hour to see someone come up from the water. Occasionally  we saw a fish but that was it. We were got some hot chocolate and tea while we were waiting then someone comes out from the water. It was some dude who I had never seen before and the dumstring champion all of dumstring  yelled. Next came Grace. Wait Grace? What the hell was grace doing down there. Right after grace came Jason came to the top of the water. The people in stands help them up. I make my way down to grace through the crowds of people. When I finally get down there it had just been said that dumstring won. I saw grace I walked towards her but the crowd pushed me in the other direction and I got pushed to the floor. I quickly got up but, grace was no where to be seen. So I headed to the caslte. I walk into the common room and head up to the room. Remus, Peter, James, and Frank were hanging out.
"Hey where were you?" Frank asked.
"Um, no where." If I told what happened they would for sure make fun of me.
"Okay, whatever." Peter saids
"What are your plans for valentine's day?" James asked
"Right, when's that?" I ask
"Next week." Remy saids
"Really?" I say, wow I didn't realize that it was that close to valentine's day.
"Well, it getting late we better get to sleep." Peter saids
Remy and Peter leave.
I lay in my bed for a while trying to go to sleep but I just couldn't. I kept thinking about Grace and whether I should get her something for valentine's day even though though we weren't dating. I know that she always gets a bunch of stuff for valentine's day for pretty much every other boy on valentine's. So how do I make my gift to stand out. She loves chocolates but that's pretty basic.
I finally drift to sleep. But, it didn't last I woke up after an hour. I turn around in my bed to see frank reading in his bed. Who reads anymore. He is such a nerd. I don't remember the exact time I felt asleep but I remember waking up.

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⏰ Last updated: Feb 19, 2018 ⏰

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