Chapter 1

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~ Pewdiepie's POV ~

A very loud voice booms over the speakers. Weird, usually I'm the one yelling. I laugh at myself. They start blabbing but I wasn't even listening, I was to busy looking for Cry. I don't see him very often and I was super excited.

"Hallo!?!" I scream, hoping to get a response. Marzia just hits me on the shoulder and glares at me.

"Pewdie! Your gonna get us in trouble." I kiss her.

"Sorry, I just really want to see Cry." I start looking around again and spot Ken. Maybe Ken knows where Cry is!

"KEN!" I yell ignoring Marzia all together. He looks at me and smiles. I see that he's wearing his iconic hat. Typical Ken. He runs over and we start making weird faces at each other like we usually do. We get a couple of looks but who cares. I don't care! Ha, I just referenced myself. I ask him where Cry is and he says that he went to the bathroom. I let Marzia know I'm leaving and walk off with Ken.

When we reach the bathroom I yell out "Cry? Where are you Cry?". I hear his laugh and I know he hears me. I run in and hug him. "Cry! I missed you so much!" Ken just stares at us, probably jealous. I mean, if I was him, I would want to hug the most fabulous, most stunning, Pewds. I strike a fabulous pose and look at Ken seductively.

"It's not called being gay, it's called being fabulous." I say. They both laugh and I figure that were probably going to have tons of fun here.

~ Tyler Oakley's POV ~

"Oh my goodness, I need to cool off." I say to myself. I walk off to the bathroom and see Felix and his friends attempting to be fabulous. B*tch, we all know I'm the queen. "It looks like this is just turning into a fabulous party!" I yell in my most gay voice. They all look at me, well I assume, the kid in the mask is just weird. He's officially on the list.

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