Chapter 9

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~ Markiplier's POV ~

I am so excited to be in this with Seananner's and the lot. Maybe I should go visit Cry? Before I can think about it the voice comes back. I am so tempted to scream 'SHUT UP NURSE!' but you know, that's mean so I let them talk.

"This is just an update. Each youtuber will be entitled to an item that will be of use in the arena. One by one you will be called into the show room to see your item so that you may discuss it with your team. The first to enter the show room will be Kalel Cullen."

I wonder what I'll get.

~ Anthony Padilla's POV ~

Kalel reluctantly leaves for the show room. I wonder what she will get. I nod at her to let her know I'll be right here waiting for her when she gets back. I use this opportunity to talk to Ian about what happened in the bathroom.

"Ian?" I question. Ian completely ignores me. I don't blame him. I would ignore me too. What I said to him was just mean. I couldn't help it though. He had to know the truth. "Ian?" I say slightly more quiet hoping that he will at least let me explain.

"What?" He says coldly. I can't even imagine such a tone coming from him. His voice is always so warm and gentle. Now it's just hostile. I take a moment to take it all in and then try to continue without sounding hurt.

"I-I'm really sorry." I say still sounding hurt. I guess he heard it too because he just looks up and stares.

"Oh I'm sorry, did I hurt your feelings?" he yells across the room. It makes me jump slightly. I don't answer and he puts his head back down into his lap.

"Ian? I really am sorry. I shouldn't have said that to you." I say slowly inching towards him.

"W-was it true?" He stutters, presumably crying again.

"Yes." I say quietly enough that I can barley hear myself. I her him quietly sobbing to himself again. I sit next to him and put my arm around him. He looks at me, tears still streaming down his face. He slowly leans in and gives me he most passionate kiss I have ever had. When we separate I just stare into those deep blue eyes. I feel like I never want to let go. Then Kalel walks in. She looks at me and Ian sitting on the floor beside each other.

"H-how long were you standing there?" I stutter.

"Long enough."

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