Chapter 8

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  • Dedicated to Kira Danielle Loder

~ Pewdiepie's POV ~

I look around to see what every ones thinking about everything. I see Cry sitting over in the corner. I wonder whats up with him? I know he wears his mask 24/7 and you can't actually see his face but I still know somethings up. I'm his best friend and he can't hide anything from me. I stand slowly letting Marzia stand up and move to the next seat over. I walk over to the wall that Cry is sitting against and slowly slide down the wall until I am sitting on the floor.

"What's wrong Cry?" I ask. He looks at me from behind his mask and sighs. He knows I've figured out that there's something wrong and that I won't let it go.

"Pewdie, I don't really want to talk about it." he sighs and turns away. I don't know why he seems so down. I mean I know were probably all going to get murdered soon but, other than that, he has no reason to be upset.

"Cry, I was always here for you and I always will be, please tell me what's wrong." I say. I sigh and look down when he doesn't answer. I'm about to get up when I see a small drop of water hit his pants. I reach out and wrap my arms around him. I nearly cry a the thought of Cry crying. I feel him lean against my shoulder, and my shirt getting more and more tear soaked. I push him away slightly and look right into the eyes of his mask. I am about ready to break down when I ask "Why are you crying Cry?"

~ CryaoticMonki's POV ~

I see Pewdie walk over and sit next to me. He asks me whats wrong and I break down. I can't tell him I love him, I can't tell him how much I care. It wouldn't matter anyway, he has Marzia and he doesn't like me anyway. He only does it for the video's, he just pretends that he likes me. With my tears concealed by my mask, he is about to get up and leave me alone when a tear drops from my face and onto my pants. Sh*t! Now he's gonna call me a wimp and then there will be no chance for me to explain. This thought brings more tears to my eyes that I dare not let escape. He looks at me worriedly and then hugs me. I settle my head into his shoulder and let the tears pour out, not caring what he thinks of me right now. He pushes me away slightly and I know that I've taken it to far this time. He looks right into my eyes, which thankfully he can't see and asks "Why are you crying Cry?" His voice is so sincere. So beautiful. I wanted to scream 'Because I love you Felix!' but I couldn't. When he undeniably rejected me I would never be able to face anyone ever again. I would be crushed.

"Just ... worried." I breathed. It was the biggest and most difficult lie I have ever told. It pained me not to tell him, but I couldn't ever let him know the truth.

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