Chapter 12

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~ Sawyer Hartman's POV ~

I know I'm supposed to stick with my friends, but right now I don't think I could have gotten a worse pair of teammates. I think I'm going to have to go with someone else. I just don't want it to come down to them vs me. Who could I even team up with? I guess I'll go see. I start walking towards the door.

"Where are you going?" Joey asks. I feel so bad for leaving him. It's not him, it's Shane. He's like a little kid, he needs to be protected, but that's just going to hurt my game.

"For a walk." I say and then leave.

~ Kalel's POV ~

"Leave him alone!" Ian yells. Why would he defend Anthony after all that he's done to him?

"What?" I ask shocked. What is wrong with him?

"I said leave him alone." Ian says, clearly regretting saying anything. After that he says nothing, he just sits there.

"Or f*cking what? You'll start crying again?" Anthony yells. I turn to look at him.

"What the hell is wrong with you?" I ask Anthony.

"This f*cking gay is what's wrong with me."

"He's you best friend. Your suppose to support and love him no matter what. Now all of a sudden you hate him. Why?"

"He kissed me!"

"Boohoo! He likes you! Big f*cking deal!"

"Yeah! But I'm not gay and this motherf*cker still kissed me!"

"Well if that's how you feel towards your friend, were over!"

"He's not my friend."

"He was your brother! Now you go and turn on him? What an inconsiderate asshole you must be."

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