Chapter 3

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~ Ian Hecox's POV ~

I can't believe Anthony just had a panic attack! He usually never has those. I've only ever experienced one, and that wasn't even that bad. It only lasted about a minute, but this lasted for ten. I can't believe that this is what the Youtuber Hunger Games really is. I just thought we would all make a video and get votes for it or something, I never thought it meant killing each other. Only 5 can get out, hopefully that will be us.

"Yea, I'm fine Ian." Anthony says, his voice still raspy. I hate to see him like this. I hate that it's my fault. Just wait until he finds out the worst part.

"A-anthony?" I stutter worriedly.


"I-I have something I need to tell you."

"What?" His voice starts to elevate. I back up slightly.

"Well, I might have asked some other youtubers, that you might be close with, to come along, as a surprise."

"Who?" he yells. I can't even look at him. I just stare at the ground. "Who!" He screams even louder. My eyes start to water.

"Anthony, your scaring me." I say quietly.

"Who is it Ian! Who did you tell to come!" He yells impossibly loud. I break down. I can't take it anymore.

"Kalel. I invited Kalel, Okay! I'm sorry but I didn't know-" I was cut of by Anthony kicking me hard in the side. He keeps repeatedly kicking me. "Anthony! Stop!" I barely get out, I am that busy sobbing. I try and curl into a ball but that doesn't help much. I sit there taking my punishment. Suddenly I hear a big crash. I look up and Anthony is there collapsed on the floor. I rush over to him and try to help. I get a glance of myself in the mirror. I have a black eye and my nose is bleeding heavily. I don't care. I just hope Anthony is okay. I look at his face. He's passed out cold. I guess he must've had a really bad panic attack. I grab him and sit him up against the wall. I get some paper towels and wet then and start dabbing his head with it, hoping the cold water will wake him up.

After a few minutes he comes to and looks at me right in the eyes. He looks down at my shirt. I look down and see that it's covered in blood from my nose. He looks at me again in horror.

"Ian! Did I-" He says looking me up and down. He starts to cry.

"It's okay." I reassure him. It was my fault.

"Ian, I'm so sorry." He says and hugs me. "What happened anyway. Why am I on the floor?" he asks still hugged into me.

"You freaked out, had another panic attack I guess, a really bad one. You were passed out cold." I explain. He backs up and looks at me again.

"Why were you crying?" He asks seriously.

"You beat the sh*t out of me." I laugh. He hugs me again and I help him stand. We both try to get ourselves cleaned up and hope that we can move past all this.

The Youtuber Hunger Games (Pt. 1) (Completed)Where stories live. Discover now