Chapter 15

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~ Joey Graceffa's POV ~

I keep running and running, ignoring the screams from within my body to stop. I have to keep in touch with my inner Finnick. I stop at a sturdy looking tree and look around. I don't see anyone. I turn back to the tree. I see a few smaller branches leading up to a branch thick enough to hold my weight. I decide that if Katniss can survive like this, so can I.

Finally I get to the branch and sit down. I fall asleep. I hear branches cracking and I hurriedly look around again. I cant see anyone. "Joey?" I hear a familiar voice call. "I know your hear somewhere, I saw you running."

I look around again and see Shane. "Oh my god! Shane!" I yell slightly to loud.

"Joey!" he says excitedly.

"You scared the crap out of me!"

"Get down here! You know I can't climb no damn tree." he says jokingly. I start my decent down and my foot slips. I try desperately to hold on but I cant. I hit the ground painfully. I feel Shane grab me and lay me on his lap.

"Shane, I'm sorry I couldn't help you win." I grin. He smiles too.

"That's okay. I'll win, just for you." I feel my limbs go cold and my eyes shut. I know my life is over, I just hope I get remembered. The last thing I hear is Shane whispering in my ear. "I love you Joey." he kisses my forehead.

~ Pewdiepie's POV ~

I look down at my locator and try to spot Cry, Ken, and Marzia. It doesn't work like I thought it would. There are green moving dots and blue moving dots. I assume they mean different things? Maybe one is preditors and the other is prey. Whatever.

I look down at my locator and see a blue dot speeding towards me. I hope that isn't someone I should be scared of. I look back at it and they aren't slowing down. I start to worry. They are almost on top of my by now. I start to run not looking back. I can't run much further. I can't. I stop and sit against a tree. They come closer and closer and closer.

~ JennaMarbles' POV ~

I run and trip, dropping a chew toy. It takes me a second to process and then I set off running again. I try to get as far away as possible. I hear loud beeping from behind me which quickens. I know what comes next. I sprint as fast as I can and then *BOOM*! I get thrown through the air and land harshly against some sand. I look up and see a pond. Thank god! Maybe I'll make it through this.

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