Athena 1: Glee

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Kisses, sweet and soft pressed against my lips, and I smiled kissing back. It's been like this for a year, but it still sets a fire in my heart at every kiss, every touch, every glance. "You're so heavy," I breathed.

He was laying half on top of me, crushing my left side with his weight. I felt his laugh as his body moved with it. "Such a mood killer, aren't you?" He joked.

"Yep," I sighed, his warmth leaving me as he got up.

"Luckily for you, I love you and your mood-killing self," He teased as he pulled me onto his lap.

"Yeah, and I love you and your complaints about how I'm a mood killer," I grinned, leaning up to kiss him. He bent his head down and kissed me back, the fire restarting in my heart.

"Good," He said, reaching for the table for the TV remote. "What do you want to watch?"

"Just because I killed the mood doesn't mean you couldn't revive it," I huffed.

"Your fault," he sighed, "Now what do you want to watch?"

I nuzzled closer to him, letting his warmth comfort me. "Wizards of Waverly-"

"No. next."

"Pretty Little Liars?" I asked.

"Yawn. next?"

"Umm... Glee?"

"Bearable," He said, fighting off a smile. He went to Netflix and selected Glee. "What season?"

"Season One!" I cheered, knowing he doesn't like it. Rachel is too conceited in season one, is what he's probably going to say.

"Rachel is too conceited in season one," He complained, "But if you want to, we can."

"Nah, let's watch an episode from season three," I said, and he smiled brightly. He started the episode and rested his head on mine. "You're so amazing," he whispered into my hair.

"I know," I answered, flustered. Such simple words sent a blush straight to my face.

"And I love you so much," he whispered again, but this time sounding like he wanted something.

"What do you want?" I asked, annoyed.

"I'm tired," he yawned, wrapping his arms around me. If possible, my blush got even redder. He moved his head down to the crick (is that the word?) of my neck.

"Then go to sleep."

"But lea'll be back soon and I don't think she'd be happy that I paid more attention to you than her brother."

"Fine," I sighed, trying to squirm out of his grasp. "Can't... breathe."

Suddenly, I heard the door unlock and get pushed open, a sigh escaping from someone's mouth.

"Am I walking in on anything, zander?" The person asked.

"No," Zander responded nervously.

"Ok, I just saw Athena's car in the drive. How are you two doing?" Lea put her keys on the key rack by the door and kicked off her shoes.

"I'm doing great, lea," I responded nicely. "How about you?"

"I'm doing okay, I guess. I hate having to double shift on the weekends." Le plopped into the recliner next to the couch and reclined it. "But I don't think we've been properly introduced, have we, Athena?" She sent a glare towards Zander as I moved myself to the other side of the couch, closer to lea.

"I don't believe we have, have we?" I smirked at Zander.

"I mean Zandy's my best friend and he never introduced me to his girlfriend."

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