BONUS: Christmas Special

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"Everything's fine," I said to Lauren. Everything is anything but fine. It's the 23 and Friend Christmas is tonight, and us, the "responsible ones," hadn't gotten a gift for Secret Santa.

"But A, not only did I forget to get a gift for my girlfriend, I forgot to get a secret Santa gift!" I nodded and tossed another pair of fuzzy socks into the cart. I wasn't going to tell her I forgot to get gifts in general.


"Your total is 253.23," the cashier said as I swiped my dad's card.

"A that's a lot for us friends," Lauren whispered to me. I said nothing and thanked the cashier, pushing the cart towards the exit.

"That's probably because these are gifts for everyone," I replied, walking out into the cold parking lot.

"How irresponsible!" Lauren joked. I grinned as I pressed the button on my key and unlocked the trunk.

"Yeah, my grandma would've been mad if I didn't get her a gift."

I loaded the gifts into the trunk, making sure to keep my gifts for friends up on the top. I slammed the trunk shut and fully unlocked the car and put the cart

Christmas music on blast, Lauren and I made our way to Kasey's, Erin's sister, house. When we pulled up, we found the house decorated with Christmas lights and blow-up Santas.

There was an extra car, to my dismay. Simon couldn't drive, so I didn't know who it was.

"Now you can't open them yet, okay? We've gotta let your sister do her party with her friends. I'll be in the kitchen cooking dinner," A soft voice resonated through the door when I walked into the house. It was oddly familiar.

"But what about Zander? What's he gonna do?" Aria asked the person.

"I don't know, Ari! He didn't tell me why he came here with me," the voice said again. And it clicked. Lea. That girl was here with Zander.

"Ahem," I cleared my throat. "I didn't know you'd be here, so you don't have anything."

"It's okay!" Lea smiled, "Kasey forgot to tell Cath about our 'cousin Christmas."

I nodded and brought the bags of presents to the living room. The tree was decked out and gifts were everywhere.

"You like it?" Erin asked from the doorway. I nodded. "Well Lea sought you a little gift, and she said you need to open it now." She proceeded to lead me to the biggest box in the living room. Little my ass. I carefully took the top off of it and something large wrapped me up in a hug.

"Merry Christmas!" Zander laughed. I hugged him tightly, happy to be in his arms.

"Merry Christmas, Zand," I whispered.


Opening gifts was a pain. Not only were we laughing after every other gift, but the aroma coming from the kitchen was heavenly. Lea didn't tell us what she was making, but we all just about died every time we inhaled.

Everyone except me had opened up their gag gift from Erin, leaving me concerned. And here's why:

Levi, our smart/offensive friend got a shirt that said people die if they are killed.

Marcus, the bro of Levi, got a shirt that said I'm G-A-Y!! In rainbow letters with two dudes kissing on the back. (Yeah, these were custom made stupidity for us.)

Val got a shirt that said i hate girls.

Macy, the sweet one of the group, got a big sign (with matching shirt and bookmark) say for everyone to go fucking burn in the fucking depths of hell.

I opened the box and was surprised to see a few things in it. A notebook, planner, bookmark, shirt, and badge that said Bad Ass Bitchy Goddess. Mildly surprised there, all of it was true.

"Thanks, E," I laughed, laying the shirt over the ugliest Christmas sweater I had ever seen from Levi. He and Erin cackled when they forced it on me.

And that was the last normal gift, thank God. Next would be secret Santa, and damn if I wasn't excited for it.

Aria dashed into the room yelling, "Dinners ready! Everyone line up!"

We all said thank you and made a mad dash for the front of the line.

"Now, now," Lea chided, "I made enough for everyone! Sorry I couldn't make a nice Christmas dinner, but I thought chicken fried steak and some sides would be good. I also brought some leftovers over from what I made last night, so I can heat that up too."

We all nodded eagerly and rushed to grab plates. "Uh, uh," Zander scolded. "You have to say grace," Lea finished. "I know it's weird, but I've always done it for important meals like this, so please how your heads with us."

We all listened as Lea and Zander alternated on the one minute grade before saying amen and putting food on our plate. Lea smiled all the while, helping Aria and Vincent make a plate of food and getting all of us settled before making a plate for herself. Zander didn't wait as long as her, but he made sure we got food before him too.

Her brother made his way out of hiding and said hello to all of us, seating himself next to Vincent and Simon. He was quite a conversationalist, crracking jokes with both them and Aria, and Macy once or twice.

Christmas this year was good, and my friends, and some of their family, were here to celebrate it with me.

After food, we did the Secret Santa quickly when Le gave us yet another surprise. As if we weren't stuffed enough, she had made hot cocoa and Christmas cookies for us. "Merry Christmas everybody! I thought you'd like some sweets before I let Cath tear open her gift from me." She said all this sweetly as she passed out cocoa and cookies. But I couldn't help but to grimace at the name she used for Erin. Cath. Eew.

Erin nodded at what Lea said and picked up the gift from her. Inside was a $25 apple music gift card and two strips of paper. "you didn't!" Erin yelled, ecstatic.

"I did," Lea nodded, "Are you happy?"

Erin just about broke down sobbing as she stood up and gave her a hug, "I can't believe you got me front row tickets to coldplay. My god I could marry you right now!"

"While that's sweet and all, incest isn't really my thing, Cath. "

"How the hell did you get these?"

"Hard work and some intense bargaining," Lea shrugged. "Anyway, goodnight! I've got to get these kids to bed and I need to get up early tomorrow. Have a good Christmas!" Lea carried the sleeping aria up the steps and Zander carried up the tired-eyed Vincent.

I waved goodbye to everyone, grabbing my bags of gifts and taking them to the car.

"Merry Christmas Bitchy G," Erin said, hugging me tightly. "Take good care of your gifts, those were custom order."

I nodded and waved goodbye as I hopped in my car. I was surprised Zander didn't follow, but I also wasn't that surprised. Erin had told me he usually stayed with Lea and her family over the holidays because his parents were gone. This must be an example, and I didn't care about that feeling of jealousy I should be getting. Christmas was not the time for such hateful thoughts about the girl who cooked probably one of the best meals of my life.

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