Athena 5: Tub Life

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Aristotle's was fun, as per usual. We bid our goodbyes and I got my car and drove home. Dad wasn't there, and there were no signs of recent fun times happening. I deemed it safe to run up to my room and walk into the ensuite and take a shower. But God Forbid that even that worked out well!

"What the hell are you doing in my bathtub?" I asked Erin.

"I'm just making a bed! Damn get off the high horse." Erin groaned.

"Why are you making a bed in my tub?" I asked her.


I give her the look, "I have a perfectly fine couch in my bedroom."

She sputtered around, trying to prove her point. I sighed and pulled her out of the tub. She didn't try to walk and I had to drag her out of the bathroom, through my room, and onto the couch.

"Goodnight, Erin."

"Give me my blanket, Bitch Goddess."


Erin POV

Unrequited, is that the word? Where feelings aren't reciprocated? I hope that's the mother fucking word.

The bathroom had all her perfumes, her shampoo, her soap, all the things that smell like her. But you can't just go tell a friend that's the case. She'd call you insane and make crazy assumptions. Like me being gay. I'm not. Don't you give me that look.

Anyway, she had returned my blanket to me and I became dead weight again so she would tuck me in.

"You mother fucker. where's the others? Athena asked me.

"They're at Kasey's house down on St Lorraines. There's not enough room for all of us, and you've got this big house."

"You aren't staying here."

"The servant's quarters out back? Please, A," I plead.

"Fine. And there should be enough room for your siblings, in theory."

" K. Now go take your stupid shower."


(It's still E's)

What time is it now? Midnight? One? Eh, it doesn't matter. Athena still passes out at nine. On. The. Dot. So, it's safe to do this right? She's asleep, after all.

I traipsed over to her bed quietly and looked down at her. I couldn't describe her that well if I tried. Hair of an Angel, lips like a God, eyelashes like none other?And her eyes are the prettiest mahogany. Her contacts hide this with the blue like that of a husky's eye, piercing through the night.

Her hair had fallen over the most beautiful face I've seen, so I tucked behind her ear. She leaned into my hand and I made one move. I pressed my lips to her forehead in a light kiss. Thankfully, she seemed to have no reaction to this whatsoever.

I hurried back to the couch to wrap myself up again in her blanket, but it wasn't the same.


Athena POV

I hate Mondays. Despise, loathe, wish to execute them. The very thought of going back to school sends chills down my spine. Another day, another thought that Lea can take away my man.

Ok, here's the thing. I don't hate school, okay? I just don't like the thought of going to school. It's fine when I get there.

Now, back to Lea and Zander. They're next door neighbors, absolute best buds. And I know she's allowed on his bike, and I'm not. She knows his deepest secrets, I do not. She's allowed to take the bike for a spin when ever, I can't even touch it. She gets to ride to school with him everyday, I only get to ride with him when he takes his dad's car. They have the same classes, I'm only in two of his. They excel in school, I'm just a bit above mediocre. Some people think that they should be together, and the Zander and I don't make sense. I can hear the gossip through the walls between the locker room and choir room.

"Why doesn't Zander just get rid of Athena?"

"Why does Athena let him cheat like that?"

I know he's not cheating, goddamnit.


Erin was already downstairs chowing down on cereal when I walked down. I grabbed frozen waffles out from the freezer and heated those up. I then absolutely smothered them in butter and lightly dusted sugar on top.

"That's disgusting"

"Your face is disgusting."

"Fair point, A"

"I try."

Several waffles, and two 'one more bowls' from Erin, we were on our way to hell.

And guess what I saw? That's right there went Lea on Zander's bike.

wait.. "Why isn't Zander on his own bike?" I asked.

"He's probably sick, Bitchy G. And he's the only Lea can get to school. You know she has to make plans so her own brother can get to school, plus her mom has to take the car."

"Why do you know so much about her, E?"

"Because I'm one of her many friends."

(Erin pov)
I'm not gonna telly BG we're cousins.

(Back to athena)

Whatever. I pulled into school and nabbed a spot close to the front. It was now windy and I knew the decorations for Halloween would be up soon.

Hushed whispers filled the hallway as I walked down it. Kids made way for me, all the way to my locker, where I found Cassidy standing

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