Lea 3: Cooking soothes the soul

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The weekend went by so fast. Zander's parents had to go out of town for a business meeting so he's been with us. And he refused to sleep in elliot's room so there's a bed of blankets on my bedroom floor. Athena stayed downstairs for the most part, only coming upstairs so she could use a woman's shower. I think she just didn't want to use the bathroom downstairs. It's littered with Zander's stuff.

Now Monday is here and I'm so nervous and feeling so guilty that I jolted awake at 4 a.m. I should have asked Zander about the guest bedroom. It is his room, basically.

I look down to the floor and I can see Zandy's outline on the floor. It's one of the only time he's seemed peaceful the whole weekend. 

I quietly step over his figure carefully so he doesn't get stepped on by accident. I make it past him and open the door as little as possible so I can slip out of my room. I made my way to the living room before I realized I couldn't turn the TV on because Athena was sleeping. That left only one thing to do. Cook.

Theres something oddly calming about cracking eggs. Its repetitive and you could make a lot of things out of eggs. It's also amazing how the sizzle of frying bacon can clear my thoughts.

At 7, my cooking frenzy had ended and I was completely calm now. But the table was completely filled with food. Bacon, eggs, pancakes, biscuits and gravy, I even brought out the waffle iron. And two dozen chocolate chip cookies were currently cooling off.

I walked to the guest room and stood in the doorway before deciding to wake up athena. I dont think I've ever seen her hair so messed up. It was a rat's nest. I stifled my laugh and gently touched her shoulder. "Athena, it's time to eat."

She groaned but she sat up, her hair sticking out like crazy. "Uggh, I must look like wreck right now," she yawned out.

"You'll be fine, you just need to get your hair brushed," I said as I opened her curtains to let the light in.

"Yeah, pass me my glasses," she said, pointing to the dresser. I grabbed them, not realizing she even wore them. I've never seen her with them on. "Thanks. Remind me  later that I need to place in an order for contacts." 

I nodded. She grabbed her crutches and followed after me as I walked to the dining room. I made sure she was sitting before I ran upstairs to wake the boys. 

"Elliot," I said quietly into his room, "I made breakfast come downstairs." He shot up immediately and bolted past me and out the door.

I walked to my room, stepped over Zander and grabbed one of my pillows. "Get up, Zandy," I said as I threw the pillow at his forehead.

"I don't wanna..." zander groaned, pulling his blanket over him and curling his legs up.

"Then I'm going to sit on you," I replied.

Zander glared at me, "then do it, you coward."

So I practically fell onto him. "I made breakfast. Get up."

"Then get off me," he shot back. So I got up and he sat up and stretched. "What'd you make?" He yawned.

I was already at my door when I responded. "Food."

He groaned. "Don't be a smartass."

I laughed and walked down the steps. Athena was gazing at the food on the table in wonder.

"I shouldn't be getting used to eating like this so quickly," Athena commented, turning her gaze to me. "You are a saint among saints, Lea."

I blushed, "thanks, I guess. But I was just stressed out so I decided to cook." I rubbed the back of my neck before taking my seat at the table. Mom was sitting at her seat at the table for the first time in a really long time.

"Thank you, Nat," Mom smiled. She looked to Athena, "how was your night, Athena?"

"Good, Ms. Andersen," athena replied before digging into her food.

"That's good," she said. "Zander, I heard Andrew is coming back home soon, so you know when?"

Zander practically dropped his fork, "he didn't mention it last week when he called. How do you know?"

Mom hummed, "he called me and told me. He seemed really off though." Mom took another bite of food.

We finished eating and I put the dishes in the dishwasher, not wanting to clean them myself. Zander went to his bathroom to shower and I changed quickly, pulling on one of the shelter's volunteer shirts and some jeans.

When Zander finished, he went upstairs to tell me he had to grab something from home and he'd be right back. I nodded and grabbed my bookbag before heading down the steps. Athena was sitting on the couch with her book bag next to her and she was messing with her phone.

"Whatcha doing?" I asked as I walked into the living room.

"Texting Val to get a ride," she replied, not looking up from her phone.

"I can take you, don't worry about it."

"Ok, thanks." She messed around on her phone until Zander came back in.

"You ready to go? I brought the car, it's a bit cold today," zander asked.

"Yep! Athena's going with us and I'm driving," I replied immediately.

Zander nodded and passed me the keys. I grabbed athena's bag and walked out to the car, quickly putting our bags in the back with Zander's.  Zander held the door open for Athena and let her sit up front. I turned on the car as Zander got into the back and we drove off.

It was around 8 when I pulled into the parking lot at school.  I saw all the people's faces outside turn as Athena got out of the passenger seat and start clutching towards the school. I grabbed both our bags from zander and ran after her.

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