Athena 3: Call the Popo... Sort Of

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I believe I had a chapter entitled this in the original. Granted, it was Athena finding her mother in the house and basically being a bad ass, I still had it titled this. I feel like I'm on cloud 9 writing this lately. Maybe I've just gotten back into the groove with writing, idk. this is very broken up writing. straight. to point. or rainbowed, if you go that way. 
Here's the story!

I pulled into the police station quickly and parked the car next to the front door. Erin jumped out of the car and opened the back door to grab Vincent. The five-year-old held onto Erin tightly, and aria, the rambunctious three year old, practically somersaulted out of the car when I opened the door. Simon got out of the car on Erin's side and shut the door.
"You got blood in my car," I said, shocked.

"No dip. It's not like I'm still bleeding."

He reopened the door and grabbed his bag out of it before shutting it again and zipping open his bag. He fished out a phone.

"What are you doin'?" Vincent asked him, taking his head away from Erin's neck to look at him.

"Calling Kasey," he replied. Erin smiled at her brother and went back to the call she was on.

Meanwhile, Aria thought this was a good time to start jumping around. "You mean mom! Are we gonna go to mom's? 'Thena, could you gwab Linny for me?"

"Get blue too!" Vincent yelled at me. I unlocked the csr, once again, and grabbed the two stuffed animals. As I was doing this, Erin must have ended her call and was now worrying over Simon. I locked the car as she began to walk into the building. I followed after them, opening the door into the cold interior.

"I'd like to file a report for child abuse, please," Erin said to the man at the front desk.

"But you're a child yourself," the man replied.

"And you're a police officer. I just thought that we should point out the obvious right now." Erin's sarcasm in serious situations never ceases to amaze me.

The officer scowled at Erin before he redirected his attention to Simon. "Stop bleeding on the floor, kid. I'm not cleaning up your accident."

"Caputo! Stop acting like an ass and go help the boy! I'll take care of the report." The woman directed her attention to Erin and Vincent. "Now what would you like to report?"

As Erin explained, Valerie came sprinting through the door ten minutes later, fear displayed on her face. She walked to where I was sitting with Aria and Vincent. Simon was with officer Caputo getting his cut cleaned and wrapped up.

"What happened to them? Where's Simon?"She sat down next to me and Aria crawled into her lap, dragging Linny with her.

"W and A were fighting again and A got to Simon. He pulled his pocket knife on him," I sighed, "Now Simon is getting the cut checked out." I didn't realize that the conversation between Erin and the officer had stopped.

"Are you saying that his injury was intentional from one of the parents?" The police officer asked me. I choked out a yes as the woman made note of it. "Have they ever done this to any of the other kids in their household?"

I looked towards Erin in an attempt to figure out if I could tell the officer the truth. She gave a slight nod and I answered the officer, "Erin usually gets hit when she tries to get her siblings out of the living room or dining room."

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