Athena 7: Remorse

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I got out with a broken bone and a concussion. Lucky me.

Erin fared worse. Way, way, way, way worse. Enough to knock her into a coma. Over the past three hours, they've gone about, temporarily setting her bones, and praying for no spinal injuries.

Cassidy, Macy, Lauren, and Valerie were all cramped together in my hospital room, checking up on me.

"Oh chica," Cassidy cooed "I can't believe this happened to you!"

Macy stood up from her seat, "The boys are on their way, I think. Levi was talking to me and was trying to get Marcus out the bathroom."

"That's fine," I croaked. The nurses have yet to really let me talk and I really shouldn't be saying anything.

"ATHENA JONES! You shouldn't be talking!" Val yelled at me.

I looked at her apologetically and mouthed I'm sorry for her. She was satisfied with this and went. Back to her conversation with Lauren.


Marcus and Levi finally got to the hospital room, acting like the concerned men they were.

"I still can't believe you forcifuly shoved a beanie on my head and ruined my hair!" Marcus yelled at his brother.

Levi shot back, "what am I supposed to say? Oh I'm sorry that you were taking your damn sweet time 'prepping' instead worrying about our friends?"

"Geek," Marcus responded.

"Girl," Levi shot back.

"You didn't go there, did you! You fucking..." Marcus yelled, but not before being stopped by Macy and Valerie.

"Now boys, let's get along, shall we?" Macy asked with utter hatred to the boys.

"Shut the fuck up, bitches," Lauren said, holding Marcus by his neck. "If you don't shut up I'll beat your ass and you'll be lucky we're in a hospital right now." Lauren whispered harshly to Marcus and he flinched at her words. Lauren could be damn terrifying.

I laughed inwardly as Marcus took a few steps away from Lauren and Levi smirked at me.

"I see you trying to laugh," he grinned. I rolled my eyes. "Are you able to move your arm?" I moved my right arm in response. "Great! Marcus, pass me your notebook."

Marcus held the notebook tightly against his check, refusing, "No! These are my private thoughts!"

"None of your thoughts are private," is what I wished someone would say. It was the Erin response to the statement.

"You girl," Levi joked, "Oh no! No one can read my diary that I never use! The fantasies I have written up with Jacob Sartorious!" Levi laughed and so did Macy and Valerie. Them and Erin got a kick out of Levi making fun of Marcus for his... girlish tendencies, and vice versa with Levi's ridiculous love for nearly anything with a screen.

"You didn't! You think I'd really write something about that kid? I'm not going to be a pedophile!"

"You didn't deny the fact that you write them though!" Macy squealed, jumping up and stealing the notebook from Marcus's hands, flipping through it. "...It's official, I'm scarred for life," Macy muttered. "I'm just going to was my eyes with bleach to be pure again." She walked put of the room, tossing the notebook in the trash.
Macy came back about twenty minutes later with a notebook for me and a pen to write with. "You're welcome," she said, flopping down on the seat by the wall.

"I'm sorry, you partiers, but visiting hours are over till tomorrow morning," the nurse said, giggling. "I'll see you guys later and..." She reached for the notebook in the trash, "I'm curious, I'll give it a rating tomorrow."

Marcus went paper than the snow. "Oh god no..." he whispered.

The nurse smirked and pushed them all out. "I'm Ms. Andersen, Athena. I'll be your head nurse while you're here. I need to replace your IVs, okay? Then I'll be out of your hair."

While she replaced the fluids one thought ran through my head. Where do I know her last name from? Then it clicked.

Lea Andersen, my boyfriend's "best friend," who might just have some benefits with her.

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