Athena 12: pillows and blankets and a movie

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The ride to lea's was mostly quiet. There were a few odd noises here and there, but they Lea stayed quiet and would turn up the radio when she noticed I was looking at it.

When we pulled into the driveway, her mom got out of the car quickly and lea turned to me. "Hey. Are you awake?" I nodded to her. "We have a guest bedroom downstairs that you can use. If there's anything you need from your house, we can go get it, okay?" I nodded again. She looked at the bag in my hands, "Mind handing that to me?" I nodded as she twisted further in her seat to grab it.

Her house wasn't suprising by any means. It was small, yet very homey. I had been there a couple times, once with Zander, and a time or two for Christmas and Valentines Day. It was suprising how little the atmosphere changed.

The countertops all had marks of obvious use, the sink had a few dishes, books and bags were thrown about haphazardly on dining room chairs. The table was scuffed and pegged with marks of sharpied that never came off, places stained beyond repair, and scratches from a knife hitting the table. The living room was the newest thing in the house. A comfy grey sectional that I know is easily the best thing to sit on, an old rocking recliner that Lea has taken as her chair. (There's a pillow claiming it as hers)

Suddenly I was in front of a door.

"This is the guest bedroom," Lea explained. She opened the door to a rather drab room. a bed, a light, a desk, a small dresser. Nothing fancy, really. "There isn't much, but I was planning on you being able to go to your house to get what you want from your room. The bathroom is the next door on the right and if you want to explore upstairs, my room is the first door on the left." She set down my bag on the bed and walked away.

So this is home now, huh? I thought. The room was a bit smaller than mine, but I'd make it work. I really need to get back to my room just so I can grab a few things. My bedding and my mother's locket. Oh god, I needed it right now.

Zander had described this house so much. "It's exactly like her family. All comfy and nice and loved. But there's still problems with it. The ceiling leaks when it rains and the windows rattle from how old they are. It gets cold in the winter and Lea took the only room that didn't have heat just so her brother and mom could be happy. She'll do anything for someone she cares about, I swear to you."

Zander wasn't wrong. The two windows in my room rattled thanks to the wind outside. It was a nice day, but it was definitely chilly. I pulled out what little I had in my bag and placed it on the bed. A phone, a charger, earbuds, my wallet, a change of clothes, makeup bag, contacts, glasses, two books, and an iPod. I placed them around, throwing my phone on the charger and putting it on the bed, the books went to the desk, as did my contacts, makeup, and glasses. I put my earbuds, wallet, and iPod into the drawer on the desk and shoved the clothes in the dresser.

I spent a solid ten minutes just sitting on the bed before Lea came back in. "Do you want to go to your house and grab stuff? I imagine you want your bedding and your laptop..." Lea must have looked to me. "Are you okay? You seem lost. We can go to your house tomorrow if you're not feeling up to it. "

I shook my head and looked toward her. "I'm fine, maybe a bit lost, but that's because of everything that's happened." Oh god, everything was numb. Even my emotions. I slowly stood up and walked to her. We got to the car and I gave her my address. We drove and she kept small talk going on, telling me about her brother Elliot and how crazy he is. We pulled up to my house and we walked in.

I was stunned. Valerie, Lauren, Macy, Levi, Marcus, and Cassidy all were standing there with various boxes around them. "Whil you were doing something, Lea called us and told us that you were gonna need help getting stuff out of your room," Cassidy said, flipping her hair over her shoulder. "I got your laptop and some books." She lifted the box in her hands.

They packed Lea's car and Valerie's van quickly and Lea ordered us pizzas on the way back to her house. While the others brought things in, Lea removed the lamp and bedding in there and replaced it all with my own.

It took an hour, not counting the pizza break we had about halfway through.

"I guess that's it everybody!" Lea clapped her hands. My room was looking better. Everything in my room were pale, cool colors, so my bed was a pastel blue and white curtains covered the window. It felt safe. For once in my life, my room felt safe.

There's some magic with that word, I swear.

The others decided to stay at lea's until dinnertime. Lea constantly excused herself to go upstairs to "check" on something. No one bothered to ask, they were all on the floor with various pillows and blankets lea had gathered and were watching Moana of all things.

Moana ended and lea started dinner. Tomato soup and grilled cheese. Can't complain, it's kind of hard to cook for almost ten people.

"Dinner!" She called. Levi and Macy practically sprinted to the kitchen. Valerie and Lauren untangled themselves and walked in. Marcus, Cassidy and I followed behind.

Quick, loud steps thundered down the stairs. A young boy, lea's brother, elliot, came sprinting in.

"What did I tell you about running in the house, Eli?" Lea tsked.

"I shouldn't do it...." elliot mumbled. Lea nodded and ruffled his hair. He sat at the table and she gave him a bowl and a grilled cheese. He didn't touch it yet. Strange.

We were all given soup and a grilled cheese and were about to say grace when slow footsteps and creaking stairs cut through the air.

"What did you make for din-" a voice asked. I knew that voice. Zander. Damn it all to hell.

Zander finished his way down the steps and shot a glare to lea. "Why is she here, lea?" He spat.

"Stop that look, or I'm going to make you watch them eat," lea chastised. "We are taking athena in for a bit so she can heal and not be stuck caring for herself."

Zander was pissed. I was too. Why the hell was he just hanging out here? Is that who lea was checking on? Is he already over me? Did our relationship mean that little?

"Where is she sleeping?" Zander asked.

"The guest room," lea replied calmly just like she always did.

"The guest room!? B-but," zander sputtered, "that's my room!"

Lea gave him an annoyed look. "Right now it isn't. When we're done eating, the two of you are going to talk this out. Or else I'll-"

"Or else I'll make you watch everyone eat and you won't get a bite," zander mimicked.

We didn't end up talking it out, but we stayed nice to each other for the night. Aka, we both ignored each other and avoided conversing. We're mature, I swear.

Zander, lea, and elliot were on the sectional while the rest of us were back in our original spots on the floor. And with all that room, the three still sat close to each other, elliot sitting between lea and zander sort of. Lea was stretched out a bit, he head resting on Sanders shoulders and elliot was leaning against lea's stomach. What a cute family.

One by one, all of us on the floor dozed off. Elliot fell asleep early in the evening and zander was carrying him up the steps to his bed.

I was nearly passed out when I felt my blanket move up to my shoulders. I didnt move and I felt the light brush of lips on my head and a hushed "good night." I silently watched lea do the same with all the others and head up the stairs quietly.

For a moment, I had thought lea was my mom.


After years its here! Sorry about not updating! Summer is starting so I might be able to update finally

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